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I'm lost.

She's dead.

I've never felt more alone...


Robyn's POV

I'm about 5'10, I'm a Canadian that never gets to have fun, has ugly brown hair that in certain lighting turns grey, blonde, and even red. a teenager that has green eyes, that are probably the only feature I like about myself. I paint so often that I always have a painted heart on my wrist, most of the time I base the colour on my mood, or I try to be fancy and do designees just to show my creative side. I am not normal, I may look normal but I am, for sure, anything but. I am probably the more Insane person you will ever meet, I have humour that often gets me in trouble, well almost everything I do gets me in trouble.

Let's just say I'm a good girl, or at least a bad girl that's never been caught.

I am finally Going to be free. I have loved minecraft since I was about twelve, yes I am a girl, yes I listen to punk and heavy metal and rock, yes I want to dye my hair blue or purple and I want to get at least ten peircings withen the next year, but as I said before, I'm insane. And it doesn't matter the differences of people, and yes I ramble a lot.

I was listening to CTE (crown the empire) and singing along with Andrew and full out rocking out to Dave's voice when he screams. I love the music that's blasting in my ears. at least until I heard Cheetar yelling at me.

I swear to god, since I moved in with my friends cheetar, previously changed her name from caylin and her boyfriend Dontae, I am no longer the adult of a friend, I was the pissy bitch that said fuck life at any chance she got.

"What do you want C?!" I yelled back, I'm pretty sure she wanted me to clean up the cat puke on the floor, rule was, if you saw it you clean it, but the cat wasn't even mine so I never did.

"I'm going out with Dontae so can you please, PLEASE clean?!" She was standing in my doorway now, she was wearing a cheetah sweater. she has been wearing those sweaters since before I met her over eight years ago.

"Caylin your gay" I said to her. it was a joke of ours, her dark brown hair was so curly that nothing cold make it straight, if you know what I mean.

"Cheetar! my name is cheetar!" Her wide brown eyes were now big, she hated her real name.

"Urg" I said, I sat down on my bed, I was still waiting for my mysterious new friend that I met from my MCSG video to text me back, we had been texting all night, I loved his voice, he could make it sound like joe from Family guy. it made me laugh every time. "Fine!" I said exasperated. "But if you yell at me the house still isn't clean when you get back don't expect me to care!"

"RAWR!" She said, she ran down the stairs that lead to my room, my room was the second floor, her and dontae in the basement.

"LOVE YOU!" I yelled at her as I heard the front door open.

"I HATE YOU TOO!" she yelled back.

I stood up now off of my bed, I had a queen with a purple and a white blanket, I didn't use pillows, I haven't since I was fourteen. I walked to my computer that was in the fat left corner of my blue room, turning it on, I went into teamspeak and put on my wireless head set that had a mic. I went into a room titled 'talk only' I saw that mystery guy was on.

*user joined your channel.* said the robot woman.

"Who dares enter this Chanel in the name of minecraft!" he shouted into the mic.

"Hey MG, I was bored and I have to clean my house, no ones here and I wanted to talk to someone."

"Oh my fair maidan," he made his voice go deep, I loved it.

"You are so weird, I love it."

*user joined your Channel.* "Hey dood, who is Robynisawesome?" Another guy entered the channel, he sounded Australian.

"That would be me, my names Robyn." I said.

"Ah! so your his mystery girl, I'm Mitchell but they call me Straub."

"Nice to meet you, which would you rather be called though, Mitchell or staub?"

"Straub, anywho, have you told her your name yet or do I still have to keep my mouth shut?" Straub asked MG <{mystery guy in case your screaming at me}>

"I was planning on telling her tonight but if you want to tell her right now I'm fine with that" he replied cooly.

"Still here guys, I can still hear you. I'm not chopped liver you know." they both laughed. "glad that's so funny" I said giggling to myself.

"Ok I'll say. but may I just say robyn, cute laugh. don't you think parker?" Staub said, so his name was parker, it suited him, now just to see his face.

"Ah, um, yes." Parker kind of stumbled on his words.

"Parker are you blushing?" I asked, straub literally bursted out laughing. Cheetars cat named Cub was now rubbing her head against my leg, I smiled to myself, now to start cleaning!

<{ nice first chapter? I think so, anyway, I based Robyn off of me cause yolo right? but I changed a few things so you wont know who I really am tho. anyway! that's the first chapter and thank you for reading! also if you read these, comment cookie! and leave your thoughts! or you can DM me if you feel like it @ ilovesomthin

Also Robynisawesome is an actual youtuber! so go check her out! love ya peopl who read my stories! l8r!}>

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