Twilite (a parody on Twilight)

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   My name is Ella. I am 16 and live in Spoons, Nebraska. I am half Lantino, have very tan skin, and extremely blonde hair. I live with my dad Harley. He always wants me to call him dad but I'm used to Harley. I cook all his meals and help him out around the house. I will be going to school here in Spoons. I am not very excited and don't like to show facial expressions.

   Today I was drove to school. I saw some people who looked a lot like me, which is unusual because   most of the people in Nebraska are more pale. They looked over at me, but quickly turned away. I walked in the school. A nerdy guy named Mike came over and introduced himself to me. He said, "Hi. I'm Mike Wazouski. You must be the new girl." I replied, "Ya. I'm Ella Goose." without any expression on my face. He said, "Cool. You can sit with me and my group at lunch!" I relpied sullenly, "Ok." and walked away. 

   Later in Science I sat next to a guy who looked like me. Probably from that group of people I saw earlier. He said hi. And acted as though he wanted to hurt me. Then we looked at boring science slides. He kept sliding them over to me and he would check them. 

  I went home and cooked for Harley. He asked me about school and if i had made any friends. I told him about mike, but I didn't mention the weird kid in science. After eating he took me outside and showed me my new car. It was a volkswagon. Thats when I saw Jake. He was pale but REALLY HOT  with a freakishly long neck. I liked him a lot. I used to hang out with him when I was a kid but we lost touch. He had gotten hot. Puberty at it's finest. He was somewhat strange though. For some reason he was never out between noon and four o clock... Very strange...

   The next day I was standing in the school parking lot. All of a sudden a car was about to hit me and the weird science kid flew over so fast and stopped the car leaving a sparkly hand print. He got up and walked away. The kid in the car apologized so many times i was starting to get a headache. The rest of the school day I didn't see weird science dude. Of course, Harley found out about the incident. He called the weird guys familly and invited them to dinner.

   I found out werid kids name was Fredward, Fredward Nelluc. I thanked him for saving me. But then I asked him why there was a sparkly hand print on the car afterwards. He hesitantly said, "Uhhhh I was working on a umm art project." It didnt make sense though. He was just so jumpy about it.

   That night I went to Jake and told him about it. He told me a story about Fairies and Weregiraffes. It was all so strange, but he told me it probably wasn't true. Then I went to the library and checked out a book on it.

For days  I researched and researched. I found some things saying it's true, and others saying it was just a myth. I didn't know what to believe. Something was going on that I didn't know about, yet i still remained expressionless.

   After a week or so I decided to talk with Fredward. I went over to him and said hey. He replied, "Hey," sullenly. I said, "Ok I'm going to cut to the chase. I need to talk to you... Alone." He replied,"That may not be such a good idea. But meet me after school. In the woods." I said ok and walked away. With of course no expression.

   I was in the woods. I saw him. He was walking quickly. I caught up to him. He asked, "Did you research?" "Yes" I said. He said, "You know what i am. Say it. Say it out loud." I replied, "A fairy. You are a glittering fairy." I replied. He asked, " Are you scared?" I said, "No." He said, " You should be." Then everything faded to black.

   The next day I woke up at home in my bed. I remembered and thought about last night. It was so strange. For a moment I thought it was a dream, but it was too real to be a dream. I didn't know what to think. I was so confused and my head hurt. I dragged myself out of bed and downstairs. Harley was on the couch reading the news paper. He said, "Fredward drove you home last night. Said you passed out. What were you doing?" I replied studying science. I saw some blood and uhh fainted." "Oh," he replied. I got ready and went to school."

   At school, I saw Fredward. I told Mike that I would have to miss out on luch with him and his "posse" today. He said it was fine. I went over Fredward. He said hello. I said, "Thanks for taking me home last night." He replied, "It was nothing." Later in science he whispered to me, " I sense that you like me." I whispered back, " Yeah. It's true. Do you like me?" He replied, "yes." 

   The next day it was official. We were boyfriend and girlfriend. I told Jake about him. He kind of made a whistling sound. He coughed and apologized and said in an angry tone, "If I were you, I would stay away from his kind." I said, "But i think I'm in love. How could I possibly stay away?" We didn't talk for the next week. It took me a while to figure it out but I realized that Jake was a weregiraffe. That explained the long neck and why he didn't want me to see Fredward. Fairies and were giraffes were strict enemies.

   Fredward and I fell more and more in love. He was accepting our love but I felt that he was hiding something. Finally he told me. He explained that fairies eat human flesh and that mine smelled like the most delicious one ever. He said his family was vegetarian so he could control it...mostly. He described it like the smell of fresh baked cookies coming out of the oven. It was very hard to refrain.

  I finally found Jake. He was running in the forest. I chased after him. It was almost noon. All of a sudden, I saw it. His neck elongated. He was a giraffe. I gasped, but my face remained expressionless. He looked at me. He said, "Ok, this is what I am. You better get out. If i get spooked I might trample you." I said back, "I don't care. Harley would be just as mad if Fredward ate my flesh." He made a noise that sounded like the cross between a whinney and a whistle. I knew it meant he was angry. He said, "I hate him. Why do you like him? Come be with me." I said, " I'd love to but I cant choose between you and Fredward. I love you both. I'm so confused!" And I ran off.

   I got back home. I ran right to my room and tossed myself on the bed. Then I fell asleep and dreamt that I was in the middle of the two boys. They were fighting over me. My arms were torn off and I fell down and died. I woke up instantly and it was morning. I knew i had a decision to make...


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2012 ⏰

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