The flight

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"How's your drink?"

Jack hesitates not wanting to be rude.

"It's good, thanks"

Jack finally says with a slight smile.

"That wasn't a very strong answer."

The flight attendant smirks.

"Well it's not a very strong drink."

Jack says slightly with a complaint.

The attendant looks around and manages to sneak a couple alcoholic little drinks to Jack.

"You know I'm pretty sure this is against flying rules."

Jack gives her a wicked look, then smiles.

"Drink your "strong" drink and enjoy your Oceanic flight."

The attendant gives Jack a flirty smile and was off helping another person.

Jack looks over and sees John Locke reading a magazine that's reads "Flight Safety". Wow the guy must always be prepared for anything... The worst of the worst, like a Navy Seal.

"Uh watch it Prince Charming!"

Jack looks back too see a man yell at a guy for bumping into his leg. The rude dude was in D 15.

"Hey man, my sister is just rushing me for her 'special' chai latte."

The puts up his fingers using quotation marks.

"Oh sorry for my clumsy brother Boone, he never looks where he's going! Um what is your name?"

The girl yells in apology.

"Shannon why do you care what this jerks name is?"

Boone gives her a disbelieved look.

"This jerks name happens to be Sawyer thank you very much."

The gives Shannon a cocky/smart look and winks too her.

"Well my apologies Sawyer, my stupid brother doesn't have any gracefulness."

Shannon explains looking at Boone.

"Shannon it's the plane... It keeps on shaking. I think the turbulence is acting up."

Boone comments looking around.

"Yeah like you know anything about planes!"

Shannon yelling at Boone and went off reading her fashion magazine.

Kates POV

" I wonder what they are arguing about?"

Kate said questioning.

"It's non of your business sweet heart."

The Marshal gave her an annoying look. Then took a drink of his wine.

"Hey don't call me that... I didn't think you we're allowed to hit on criminals."

Kate looked at him clenching her jaw.

"It was a joke, just it seems like you hit on every guy when you want something and then when you disappear like smoke... They know they have been used."

"You don't know me."

Kate gives him a glare then looks out the window."

"Oh I know enough."

He looks down and sighs.

Kate feels the plane shake. She has a worried look on her face... The Marshal doesn't seem to mind.

Jack looks over to the guy next to him listening to music. Sounds like Drive Shaft... The song "You All Everybody".

Jack pokes at the man.

"Oh sorry dude am I hogging the seat?"

The big guy says adjusting.

"No no um, why are you here in the disabled section?"

Jack asked and looked around.

"Dude it's cheaper."

The guy laughed so hard at Jack.

"Oh yes it is."

Jack agreed and started reading a surgery book.

"Dude they probably let me in because I'm over weight also."

The guy looks down but the fact doesn't seem to bother him.

"What's your name?"

Jack looks at him like he is familiar.

"I'm Hurley, people call me Hugo though, so it's whatever man. What's your name?"

Hurley takes off his earphones to greet the man.


Jack stares at Hugo for a second then adds.

"Don't I know you from somewhere."

Jack says with a sweet smile.

"Nice to meet you Jack... Um I don't know dude. Do ya?"

Hurley says chilled.

"Yeah your the guy that one the lotte..."

Jack got cut off.

"No dude that wasn't me, haha yep nope those numbers were crazy huh? Yeah dude that wasn't me."

Hurley gives Jack a guilty look.

"Alright I believe you... Hurley."

Jack smiles and goes back to reading.

"Dude this plane is really starting to freak me out... Like with the bumps and stuff."

Hugo has a horrible worried look... then adds.

"It's not bad luck."

He says.

"Um okay? It's just the..."

Jack gets interrupted.

"Ladies and Gentleman, we are experiencing high turbulence, the flight may be bumpy. We also are 3 hrs in the wrong direction of CA, we will turn around as soon as the pilot sees a clearer view of where we are at."

Everyone's silent... Then... BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!! THE PLANE!!! WE.... ARE.... GOING... DOWN!!!!!! BOOMMM, CRRRRRRAAAAAAAHHHHH.....then it was all black...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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