Part 4

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                        ~Y/N POV~

I was in a tree waiting while Sakura,Naruto,and Sasuke were on the ground

Kakashi:What's your distance from the target

Naruto:5 meters,I'm ready just give me the signal

Sasuke:I'm ready too

Sakura:So am I

You:Me too


We all launched are self to the cat

Naruto:I got em,I got em

Naruto was yelling about the mission but I didn't care I was just happy we completed it

We gave the cat back to there owner and she started nuzzling the cat I felt bad if I was the cat I would run away too

Naruto:Hahaha stupid cat he deserves to be squashed

Sakura:No wonder that cat ran away

3rd Hokage:Now for squad 7 we have several available tasks,among them is babysitting the chief counselors three year old,helping his wife do shopping, helping with digging potatoes, eh

Naruto:Noooo I want to go on a real mission, something challenging and exciting, not this little kid stuff, come on old man

Sasuke:*In mind* He's got a point

Sakura:*In mind* But he's such a pain

Kakashi:Sigh*In mind* I knew this was coming

You:*In mind* That's Naruto for ya

Iruka:How dare you you're just a brand-new Genin with no experience like every one else you start with easy missions to develop your skills and prove yourself

Naruto:Are you serious? Babysitting is not a mission it's just a stupid-- Aah

Kakashi hit Naruto in the back of the head

Kakashi:Will you put a lid on it



3rd:It seems you do not understand the task you have been given, listen, many different kinds of requests come into our village every day, from babysitting to assassinations. These requests are carefully recorded, analyzed, then ranked A, B, C, or D depending on their difficulty. We ninja are also ranked by ability, Hokage at the top, Jonin, Chunin, and Genin at the bottom. At the highest level, we select the missions and assign them to ninja who have the appropriate skill and experience. And if the mission is successful, we receive a free that supports our village and our work. Since you are untried Genin just started down the shinobi path, you are given D-level assignments, of course. Hmm?

Naruto:So I had this tonkotsu ramen yesterday, and I'm thinking miso ramen today


Kakashi:Oh, sorry.

Naruto:Aah! You always lecture me like you're my grandfather or something, but I'm not the little brat who used to pull pranks all the time. I'm a ninja now, and I want a ninja mission. Hmm!

Naruto pouts his cheeks and turns around

Kakashi:I'm going to hear about this later

3rd:Naruto wants us to know that he'snot a brat. He's a former brat and he wants a mission. So be it.


3rd:Since you are so determined, I'm going to give you a C-ranked mission. You'll be bodyguards on a journey

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