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(Y/N) has entered the chat

Baekhyun: Jongin you're crazy, why didn't you stop him?

Jongin: Sehun is a man that can't be stopped. Trust me, I've tried. Don't you know this by now?

Baekhyun: You remember what happened last time he got that drunk, don't you?

Jongin: How could I ever forget?

Chanyeol: Wait, guys...

Baekhyun: The image of Sehun showing up naked at my doorstep will never leave my mind.

Jongin: It's not funny! He was almost arrested for that. And I was the one who had to deal with his hangover the next day.

Chanyeol: Guys...

Baekhyun: I know, which is why you need to keep a better eye on him! You really need to take all of the alcohol out of your apartment.

Chanyeol: BAEKHYUN!!!!!

Baekhyun: WHAT?????

Chanyeol: I've been trying to get your attention for the past few minutes! Are you blind?

Baekhyun: No, I could see your messages. You're literally in the room next to me, if it was that important you would've come to get me.

Chanyeol: But who is that? Someone joined the chat...

Jongin: What do you mean?

Baekhyun: I don't see anyone else..????

Chanyeol: No, look at the chat party at the top, there's another name there.


Baekhyun: WAIT WHAT

Chanyeol: I told you! (Y/N), who the hell are you?

Jongin: I'm calling Junmyeon brb.

Jongin left the chat

Baekhyun: Reveal yourself, fiend!

(Y/N): Um, hi?

Baekhyun: IT SPEAKS

Chanyeol: How did you get here?

(Y/N): Um, I'm not really sure to be honest.

Chanyeol: ????

Baekhyun: ?????????????

(Y/N): Well you see..... this random app was on my phone, so I opened it, and now here I am I guess.

Baekhyun: Are you pranking us? Is this a prank? Sehun are you messing with us? It's not funny!

Chanyeol: But this app isn't even on the store, you need a certain code to access it and download it, you have to be verified first. It wouldn't simply show up on your phone. There are a lot of security precautions in place.

Baekhyun: Exactly, Sehun we know it's you. Cut the shit pls

Sehun entered the chat

Baekhyun: .........

Chanyeol: .........

Sehun: Everybdy whatsgfd going nf on nwhjyu is Jonging screamginj my head isokd alk l loopyr

Baekhyun: Sehun what are you doing?????

Sehun: IOj don'y now why don't yuo tell me?

Chanyeol: Baekhyun he's definitely drunk, I don't think it's him.

Sehun: Whgat do kyou menam what is goinf on?

Junmyeon entered the chat

Baekhyun: Thank God! Junmyeon, you're here!

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