I get into my mother's white SUV and greet her with a loving smile.
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"Hi mamma"
"How was your day honey"
" Itr was normal and kind of boring, I don't get my math teacher, she's so rude and doesn't teach us she's all like, ' Take a quiz, here's some notes, now do three deltamath's about what i just taught you', like what the crap did you teach us about, UUGGGHHH I hate herrrr. Okay, I'm done ranting."
We were almost half way home, dang I talk too much.
"Well, i'm sorry to hear that" she says with a funny surprised face, I love her so much. Then her face went to confused, then I was confused.
" Where did you get that jacket?" Oh crap I forgot about that, dang-it okay act cool. I keep a straight the whole time while talking.
" Oh, my best friend Saff gave it to me because she had an extra jacket, and she's tomboy so it looks like a boy's jacket but it's not so don't worry" was that normal, did it sound okay. oh please don't catch on to anything, my father would murder me and E'dawn if he found out.
"Oh, that's so nice of her, you have good friends" PHEW, that was a close one. I'm good at lying to my parents, but not to some other people, you know ,like random strangers. Hey, we're already home, YAY. I went inside and headed to my room upstairs to finish my homework, but I had to be quiet because Kale was taking a nap.
After I closed the door I went over to my desk and pulled out my laptop from school, I started with my math homework because it was the easiest right now. The stair started to get annoyingly uncomfortable so I went to my bed and leaned against my headboard with my laptop on stomach.
DING' , oh I got an email, I go to check what it was, I thought it was one of my friends messaging me on hangouts but it was from the principle. It said that we were going to get different classes of course because it was the second semester but I was upset because I wanted to stay in chorus but I knew I couldn't. We were going to get our new schedule tomorrow, UGH.
I heard a rattle at the door that I still haven't got used to yet and jump out of my skin while gasping and jolting up. I saw a white paw under the door and calmed down.
" GOOD GOSH SAMANTHA I SWEAR YOU'RE WORKING WITH THE DEVIL!!" my cat samantha always find a way to scare me, but I love her to death.
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I open the door to let her in and she walks in with a meow following. I then go sit on my bed finally done with my homework and decide to watch some international darma's on Netflix. Samantha slowly walks to my bed and does her super high cat jump to get up on my bed, and then finally settles on laying in the crook of my left arm, OH SO CUTE AND SWEET. she just sleeps there sometimes. I smelled the chicken that my dad was baking and looked over at my clock, 6:07. I have been home for about an hour. My bus is late bus so it drops me off around 4:30 or something and then my mom picks me up at like 5:00.
I woke up with my arm asleep because samantha is kinda chubby, then I realised I was asleep, I hate sleeping in the day unless im sick because it makes me feel like I missed out on something. I look at the clock 9:52. Dang I slept good but I missed the yummy food. That's okay because my dad always makes a lot of everything. I get up to head downstairs for the yummy food that I was going to eat because I was a hungry girl.
I noticed that everyone's room door is closed and the lights are off so I turn on the stairs lights and downstairs lights not wanting to wake everyone up. The cat followed me so I wasn't that scared but I always wear long socks just to feel like no one will grab my feet. The fear my brother gave me. I got to the fridge after feeding my needy fat cat and got myself 2 barbeque chicken legs, mashed potatoes and some corn and peas.My dad tries to make good meals for us, I love him and his cooking. I feel like that won't do so I head to the pantry and pull out my purple bag of doritos YUM.
I start to go upstairs after quietly heating up my food and tip toeing up the stairs with samantha following beside me. I reached my room after quick walking, because I was scared and sat down on my bed to chow down and watch netflix. I gave a few little pieces of chicken to samantha because she wouldn't leave me alone but soon I just pulled out her cat treats that I secretly have upstairs just so she can leave me alone. I gave her some and put them on the bed so she wouldn't bother me.
I was almost done eating when I heard something in my closet to the right of me, my cat was now in the far corner of my room with huge eyes and growling and hissing towards my closet, she has never done this before and I was freaking out. Something was in my closet, I couldn't care if it was someone trying to rob me because i'm broke AF like try me bitch. I was just scared because I thought it would be a wild animal or ghost or monster. I know i'm too paranoid bu i can't help it, things happened to me in this room in the past including ghosts and I never want to experience it again.
I look at the clock and it's 11:02, wow ok I need to sleep because I wake up at five in the morning to do my hair and some homework I 'forgot' but really I just got too lazy. I was scared out of my mind so I just start talking loudly to myself and joke around and laugh at the tv and reply to stupid things the characters do . I just wanted it to go away but I still had my light on so I had gained like 2% confidence.
Okay, it's okay you are just hearing things and thinking too much, you are just too tired. There isn't anything in the closet.
" MAYBE I SHOULD CHANGE MY CLOTHES " I loudly say just to let whatever in there know that I am going toward the closet. I get up and sort of stomp towards the closet and start singing a really loud song that I made up and flung the closet door open, nothing. " wow,see brain I knew you were trying to make things up in my head, i only do that you got it brain, geez playing tricks on me." I say pointing towards my head and sighing in relief knowing that I'm safe.
But I still don't FEEL safe, I'll just sleep in the guest room. I change into comfy clothes and grab my pillow and head to the guest room with my cat following shortly behind me.
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Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in a HOT MINUTE but I will be updating every weekend unless I die from how much Homework i'm getting now, I have like 2 to 3 papers for each class and that four classes, they expect me t finish and turn in 12 papers the next day, and my math teachers is such a rude person and doesn't even teach properly, i'm sorry for ranting. But you should totally star this chapter and keep on reading because it keeps getting juicier . BYYYYEEEE