Chapter I

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"There we go."

Bailee smiled, placing a flower in the middle of the arrangement she had just made, wiping the small water droplets off her hands on the front of her apron.

She picked it up, holding it close to her chest as she walked around the counter, placing the arrangement of pink and purple hydrangeas in a cooler where they were to be kept fresh. The sound of the bell above the door rang, making the brunette turn around and smile at the male who had just entered.

"Hello, welcome. I'm Bailee. Is there anything I can help you with?" She asked, stepping forward with her head slightly tilted. The man was about average height, brown hair, and a bit of facial hair.

"Yes, actually I am looking for something for my girlfriend. Our anniversary is coming up and I would like to get her something, but I'm not exactly the best at finding gifts." He responded, an awkward smile on his face. His eyes seemed to dart to random places around him, the bright colors pulling him in.

"Oh I'm an expert at this." Bailee responded, a giggle escaping her lips. "This way, darling." She said, motioning for him to follow as she walked back over the front counter, picking up a book.

"Here." She handed it to him, a soft smile on her face. "Look through these, pick a few you like and then we will figure something out."

He took the book from her, beginning to flip through the pages. "So how long have you been doing this? The flowery stuff." He asked, glancing up at her then back down to the pictures, raising an eyebrow when he saw something that looked quite interesting.

"Being a florist you mean? It's been about 9 years now, almost 10." Bailee responded, slightly rolling her eyes at his choice of words. The flowery stuff.  "What about you?"

"So there is a word for it." He smiled, stopping on a page to look at it a bit longer. "I'm an actor actually."

"Ah, I see. Is there a chance I've seen you in anything?" She asked, resting her elbows on the counter, getting a better look at him.

"Ever seen jurassic park?"

"Who hasn't?"

"I played Tim, the little kid. Poor little Timmy." He joked, a smile forming on his face.

Bailee's eyes lit up and she smiled, immediately remembering Tim from the movie. She saw the resemblance.

"That's so cool! It used to be one of my favorite movies growing up."

"Yeah. Now I'm playing John Deacon in Bohemian Rhapsody."

"Oh I've seen the trailers!" She responded, getting excited. "I've grown up with queen so I am extremely excited about it. I am probably the biggest fan out there." She laughed.

"Me too. I'm super excited for it to come out." He said, walking over and setting the book down. "I like these three." He said, flipping through the pages to show her each one.

"Great. I can work with that." Bailee said, taking the book back from him. They began discussing color combinations, the flowers that would be used, a vase, every single detail.

"Wow, you're quite talented." He commented as she wrote everything down.

"Thank you. It's harder than it looks." She said, her pen scratching the paper as she wrote.

"If I ever tried to do this I would fail miserably."

"Well, you've been helping me this entire time. Without you I wouldn't know what she likes."

"I guess you're right." He shrugged.

"Alright, when do you need this ready?" Bailee asked, pulling out a pink order form. "Also I didn't catch your name."

"Friday. And it's Joe, Joe Mazzello. Two z's two l's." He replied, watching as she jotted his name down.

"Alright, Mr Mazzello," She grinned, looking up at him. "It'll be ready Friday morning. You can come pick it up at any time."

"Thank you so much." He replied, a gigantic grin on his face. He backed up slowly, turning on his heel and walking towards the door. "See you Friday!" He called as he stepped out.

Bailee watched as he walked out, her eyes darting to the clock as the door closed. 6pm. Her hands went to untie the knot on her apron, ready to close up shop and get the hell out. She slipped it off over her neck, hanging it up and grabbing her purse from the back office. The sound of her steps filled the store as she walked out, locking the door behind her. She stepped out, the cool air whipping through her hair.

She began looking around at all the buildings and lights, being captivated by them. The stars twinkled, making her eyes wander, taking a look at each and every single one. Suddenly, her train of thought was broken when her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She looked at the caller ID, sighing softly. She answered it, putting her phone up to her ear.

"Bailee! Get dressed. I'm coming to get you because we are going out."

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