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"Take her to his porch, Cammie. We ain't got enough money to fend for all.of us to get to Kentucky." My stepfather, Ken,  says and mommy gently picks me up, carrying me to this porch and placing me down on it, handing me a blanket before.leaving.

"Mama! Come back!" I.yell as she and Ken drive off. I walk to the door and knock on it and nobody comes to it.


"Man, I ain't staying here on Christmas, man. Gotta find me a good whore and git shitfaced like I always do." I say and leave Justin, his son, Marco, and Tanner all there as I head to my truck.

I pull into my driveway and park, getting out and going to my porch only to see this tiny, malnourished kid on my porch. I gently nudge her with my boot and her eyes open and I notice bluish-purple coloring around her lips and quickly pick her up and kick my door open, getting her to my bedroom, where I set her down.

"Daddy?" she corals out and I look at her and notice.the features.

Cam had a kid? My kid?

I drape a blanket over her and she holds her hands out to me and I sheepishly get into bed with her, and she nuzzles her head into my chest.

"Wha's ya name, kiddo?" I asks and she looks up to me.

"Felix." she says as she goes to.sleep.

Three years and six months ago....

"Ya ain't pregnant, Cam!" I roar at my girlfriend who starts sobbing.

"But I am Mac. Jesus, can't you believe me for.once?!" she yells as she runs out.the door and to her car, driving off.

That night, I'm looking through her diary she left and I notice a page in it.

Day 25,

Felix is doing good today. Doctor Roberts said I could.gain a few pounds, but she's just as stubborn as Mac. God, I'm three months pregnant with Felix and I haven't even told Mac yet. I want to, I mean, I'm.just scared of what he'll do if I tell him.



I then close the diary and sigh. I'm such a dickhead.

Mac, two years later

"Felix, stop runnin'!" I say to my daughter as she acts like a plane.

"But daddy, planes go fast, not slow!" she says and that's when I see Walter walking up the hill to where Felix has her playground set at and put my cigarette out and grab her, carrying her to my truck and putting her in, and shutting the door.

"Wha' ya want, ol' man?" I ask and he glares at me.

"Come back to work for me." he says and I shake my head.

"I'm a dad now, Walter. I ain't ya Damn slave anymore. Use Golden Boy, if ya want that Damn meth that badly." I say, getting into my truck, and driving off.

Present Day, Felix

"Marco, knock it off." I hiss as I rush into the Mesa and see the.disapproving look on Dad's face and gulp.

"Tend to the Dixon's, Felix. We'll talk later about you and Marco sneaking off." Dad says and I nod, walking over to this table and I put on a smile.

"Hi, I'm Felix and I'll be y'all's waitress fer tonigh'. C'n I start y'all off with a drink?" I ask and they nod.

"Yeah, I'll have a piece of yer ass girlie-" the bald one says and I pull my knife out and hold the tip at his jugular.

"Listen here, bald-ass, I wouldn't fuck ya rat ass if ya was the last.person on the earth and we.were the only hope to repopulate human kind. You so much as look at my ass, and I'll kill ya!" I say and he nods and I see the long haired one holding back a laugh.

"Merle Dixon! No fuckin' shit!" I hear Dad says and look at him funny.

"'Ey Mac! How ya doin man? That's ya kid ain't it?" Merle asks and he nods.

"Yeah, Justin kinda raped her last year and now she threatens anyone who tries to touch her ass. Tought her myself." dad says and they go to the back as I grab my knife and head outside. 

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