Chapter 8 (Motel from hell)

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                                                   Sam pov

sigh i look blankly out the window as I'm in class i need to get back to the Motel sigh i close my eyes to think then my phone vibrates it reads from 

unknown : don't think you can hide from me for ever you little brat you got lucky getting away you won't get so lucky next time I'm watching you I'm always watching i will get you and make you regret what you did and you are going to tell me where you have it hidden! from lots of love daddy 

I got so angry i stood up and stormed out of class i kept looking at my phone i exit the school and start walking I'm so angry who does he think he is i thought as i stormed off down the street to the motel then i hear foot steps behind me Soryu i said everything okay he asked i nodded lets go i said continuing to walk you know you don't have to keep acting like everything is okay he said to me I'm fine i said blankly he grabbed my wrist i know this is getting to you but you just want to keep it in and pretend everything is fine but its not he said sigh i looked up at him as long as he is free on the streets noting is fine i said and started to walk away and he followed 

                                                        Soryu pov

I'm leaning against a tree out side of the school as i see Sam looking at her phone angry then storming off she's on the move i said in my ear piece to Samejima and Inu and walk after her and finally catch up to her i can see that she's clearly irritated everything okay i asked she nodded lets go she said continuing to walk something is off i can feel it you don't have to keep acting like everything is okay i said to her I'm fine she said blankly i grabbed her good wrist i know this is getting to you but you just want to keep it in and pretend everything is fine but its not i said sigh she looked up at me as long as he is free on the street nothing is fine she said and started walking again i shook my head we have some work to do with this one i thought and followed after her we arrived at a really run down motel in a really bad part of town i looked around and thought how long has she been staying here we opened the door and see the room a mess sigh she said looks like he did a number on my room she said as she stomped her foot feeling the floor like it was ice and trying to crack it what are you doing shh she said ah ha there she said got on the floor and a panel i looked inside it had gloves for what seemed like for boxing i looked at her they were my dads she said my real dad she said i nodded and i see a heart neckless one side silver the other gold with diamonds 

I'm leaning against a tree out side of the school as i see Sam looking at her phone angry then storming off she's on the move i said in my ear piece to Samejima and Inu and walk after her and finally catch up to her i can see that she's clearly ir...

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and this was my moms she said smiling at it this is what he wants thats why he didn't kill me she said why i asked she shrugged probably for money then there was a wooden box and she pulled it out and put it all in her backpack lets go she said i nodded and we walked back to the motel i was thinking this kid is smart 

                                                      Sam pov

seeing my dad and moms things brought back some pain but i can't show weakness besides we need to get back to the hotel before we run into Eric i thought and we both made our way back to the hotel 

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