Want me to tell people stuff about then ? XTaegoodforyou
NO! don't stoop lowJeonkook
But i don't wanna see you down❤Taegoodforyou
Im fine kookie dw ❤Jeonkook
If you say so baby 😕Taegoodforyou 😁😁Jeonkook
Oh wow 😂😂😂❤
Yasssss ?Jeonkook
If I tell you something you promise to still speak to me ??Taegoodforyou
Ofc as long as you haven't like
Killed anyone 😂Jeonkook
Ahah i haven't x
Fuck it imma just say everything
When I'm with you tae I don't just see
A cute boy i see an ethereal boy.
I see this boy that can make me smile even by a simple text.
I see this boy who completely underestimates himself. I see this boy who has my heart and will keep forever. But most importantly Kim Taehyung i see you as they boy i have fallen inlove with and that's the truthTaegoodforyou
What's wrong ?Taegoodforyou
Omg you're so adorable like that confession was everything
You made me cry and smile you big
Idiot. I love you too. You make me happy.Jeonkook
Tae will you be my boyfriend? <3Taegoodforyou
Over text how much of a fuckboy can you be? Lmfao
But yes ofc Jungkook ❤❤Jeonkook
Now you actually are my babyboy😏Taegoodforyou
Always was 😋😋Jeonkook
Of course ❤❤