(Volume 1) Going To Beacon and Erik's Past!

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It was night now and Erik had just awaken he look around and saw a few thug and the ground out cold one of them even smell like urine.

Erik: Had fun?

Anti-Venom: They were trying to rob you I did what was needed.

Erik: I can see well now many time to see if Junior has my info.

Anti-Venom: Very well. Erik got up and signed with a scowl his face.

Anti Venom: Something wrong?

Erik: I left my bike at my house and I do think it be smart to go back

Anti-Venom: If I may I have a better way of moving.

Erik: Shot.

A Few Moment Later

Erik was in the Anti-Venom form and was running, jumping from roof to roof at incredible speed looking like a blur in the night as he run.

(Inside of Anti-Venom)Erik: I never move this fast before!

(Outside of Erik body)Anti-Venom: Well Eddie my power give me the abilities to enhance my host body to it physical peak!

Erik: Noted, were here stop.

Anti-Venom: Okay.

As Anti-Venom stay and just off the roof transforming back into Erik, he fixes his clothes and walk into Junior club he walk in and step to the bar area and sat in a seat and waited. As he did he let his mind drift, he thought of what the power could do? What the others Symbiote could do if they found a host? And if he could final see her again.

Anti-Venom: Eddie.

Erik: What up?

Anti-Venom: Be on guard I have  feeling something off.

Erik: I see well if anything happened do help me.

Anti-Venom: What why!

Erik: Because even if Junior just thug and scumbag I still own one for the info.

Anti-Venom: Fine but things get to far I am helping.

Erik: Fine.

And then Junior step out his room and walk to Erik a few of his thugs behind Erik just watched and waited.

Erik: You have my info Junior.

Junior: Well yeah but there a bit of a problem.

Erik: And that would be?

???: It the fact my partner see you as a thorn in the side.

Erik turn and saw Roman Torchwick looking his way Erik he had a few more thugs behind him.

Roman: I hear your looking for me?

Erik: Yeah I think you may have some info on the White Fang and maybe others things.

Roman: I may but what go will it do for you?

Erik: What make you ask that?

Roman: What go will it be if your dead.

And like that Roman shot at Erik he jump out of the shot and grab a chair chucking it at Roman who shot it to piece the thugs rush Erik, he got in a stance and let himself open he punch the first in the face and then kick chop his neck making him gasping for air as Erik gut punch him knocking the rest out of his lungs making black out two more rush him he back and jump doing a mid air twin foot kick to one of the thugs sending him to the one behind him. Erik land and jump back up knee the thug on ground in the gut the force crate the fall under them taking both out Erik dodge another shot from Roman as more thugs rush Erik sent heavy but quick blow to the vital point little the back of there necks and lower jaw knocking them out quickly. Junior back up not watch to be in the fight, Roman sign and aim his gun at Erik.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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