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This was made on,
    December 2, 2018

My friends ain't doing so hot right now and it really sucks but what are ya going to do.
First this started with my friend lets call her Emma, anyway this started with Emma flipping out on a groupchat about how she was not happy with our friend group, I was not in this groupchat so my friend lets call her Anna sent me screenshots of the conversation which was very heated because of Emma saying how we treat her unfairly and she is not liked or even needed which was not the case, we do treat her fairly and we did need her. I say we DID need her because I'm thinking this friendship is not going to last for very much longer with her, she has already been breaking this group up by Guilt tripping us and getting angry with the us for little things. Then just yesturday Anna asked me if I was happy with our friend group. I am very happy with our group of friends by the way. So when she asked me this I has no doubt in saying "Yes, I am very happy." but then she replied saying "Well Emma told me you weren't." And I was shocked of course so I ended up saying "Well... who are you going to believe? Me or Emma?" She said "Well you but I was just making sure." I was not mad at Anna for just making sure because we have been friends for so long and I'm sure she was just making sure there were no problems with me and the group. But I was very angry at Emma for dragging me into this and I still am because I will not go down with her, you know? I don't know what she thinks she is doing but I'm not going to let her tear apart my relationship with Anna just because she is mad. Also if you were confused with who the fight is between, its between Anna and Emma, this is also not an open problem because Anna hasn't told anyone about how she feels except me. So me and Anna are trying to see how this goes down and we will also not be sad if she leaves our group of friends because she has been guilt tripping all of us and she has been more and more of a fake friend through the passing years and we are kind of done with her anyway, we would like to save this friendship but we really don't think its going to happen.

Bonus :

Emma has also used me to break up with one of her Girlfriends that she was dating once and I don't mean like she made me tell her GF that she wanted to break up, oh no she told her GF that she wanted to break up because she had a new GF and that it was me, I did not find out about this until a month later by the way.
If that doesn't show you that she has become a fake friend I don't know what will.

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