I dunno

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December 16, 2018

I played minecraft literally all day today and didn't do homework that is due tomorrow. Well there go my grades, all the way down the drain. I'm a really huge procrastinator and it's a very big issue because no matter how hard I try my mind cannot focus on one thing, I'm no doctor but it's like I have a mild case of ADD.

Speaking of ADD I'm over that topic so here we are. Uhm I was going to tell you something but I can't remember- ah I know, my cat came back from the clinic. Oh wait did I tell yall about what happened? I dunno anyway so he ate Anti-Freeze basically and he came back today. He is meowing right now actually and it's super annoying but hey whatcha gonna do.

Honestly staying up all hours of the night is my specialty. Right now its 10:03pm but I'll probably be awake untillll probably 1am?

Oh news about my new book coming out, it is coming out in January because I know I can finish a chapter in one month but honestly I have too many things on my mind and keep procrastinating. So one chapter will be out in January actually maybe two, we'll see.

Oh Christmas formal is coming up for me on the 20th and I had a date she is great but now I didn't pay for it so I had to tell her that I wasn't going and damn I was a sad man when I had to tell her that. So now like the sad guy I am, I'll play minecraft probably lmao. Catch me crying and playing minecraft on the 20th.

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