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"Fuck," I croak out, shooting up from my slumber. From the looks of it, it's still dark out, but the sun is just about to rise. I rub my eyes, the spinning of a slight hangover hitting me as I push myself off the bed. Nothing bad, just utterly inconvenient. A shiver runs down my back while I reach for my underwear at the end of the bed. I tread as silently out of respect for the man who remains asleep. I slip my clothes on and grab my bag, making a b-line for the door. Turning my head to take one last glance at the stranger, I notice my bra laying just in front of his bed. I shrug, knowing that it will be a cute little present for him when he wakes up. I guess I'll have another excuse to come here again if it ever comes up in conversation.

I make my way home and arrive with over an hour to spare before I have to head to work. Entering my apartment, I immediately fall onto my bed, exhaling heavily as the familiar scent of home warms me up. I yank my phone from my pocket and grunt loudly as another thought crashes into my consciousness. My plan was to finally ask for the stranger's name and number, but I guess we got a little carried away last night...

Before I know it, I'm in the shower scrubbing myself down with a loofa and humming to whatever song I heard on the subway earlier. As much as I hope today will be bearable, a small part of me hopes I end up at the bar tonight. I need to know who this stranger is. It was fine being blind to his credentials the first two times, but now things are starting to move around. Don't you think I deserve to at least know the guy's name? Do you think it's strange that he has never mentioned his own being, or even introduced himself in the first place? Do other people talk to you the way I'm talking with you now...?

Shaking my head I begin to dress properly for work. Checking the time, I nod to myself, grabbing my bag and heading to the subway.


"Hi Lilah," a familiar voice echos into the break room.

"Hey Tory, how are you?" I chime, placing my sandwich down onto the wrapper. My colleague takes a seat across from me, unpacking her deli-made salad from it's styrofoam structure.

"Great, so far. And you?"

"Good, good." I respond, taking a sip of my iced tea.

"You're glowing today. I wanted to say something earlier but I got called back to my cubicle."

"I'm glowing...?" I raised an eyebrow, making eye contact with my friend.

"Yeah. You look great! You have that 'after-sex' glow that girls sometimes-... Oh my god, who was he?" She leans forward onto the table, her face looking as if it is about to burst. I laugh softly and grip onto my hoagie.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I take a large bite.

"Cut the bullshit," she playfully snaps. "Give me the juicy details. I know when you're lying!" She sits back, narrowing her eyes at me. I can't help but let my eyes dart around for a moment before giving into her desire.

"It's just some guy from the bar," I shake my head and move my shoulders up and down, hoping to signify that it isn't a big deal.

"Is he cute? What's his name?" Tory jumps slightly in her seat out of excitement.

"Yes, and I don't know." I probably sound insane. Do I sound insane?

"I don't blame you. One night stands are kinda rough,"

"This wasn't the first time we met," I quickly pop in as I roll up the rest of my sandwich.

"Wait. So you've hung out with this guy before and you still don't know his name?" She barks in disbelief. I simply nod before opening the fridge and placing the rest of my lunch on the shelf.

"It's complicated, I guess," I sigh, leaving the break room and traveling back to my cubicle where I can finally fantasize about my non-existent relationship with the stranger alone.

That makes me sound fucking crazy, doesn't it?

Outsider ⇝ Elliot Alderson ; Mr. RobotWhere stories live. Discover now