The Whole Way Round

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Today is 400 days of liking Mark Fischbach and... I really wanna fucking marry him now.

Jack collected Mark's homework and stuffed it in his bag. He looked up the address on his phone, and made his way out towards his car. He still couldn't believe Mark had asked him to his house... then again, he probably asks a load of other people too.

Jack threw his bag into the passenger seat, and made his way over to Mark's. He was surprised to see he only lived five minutes from Jack, which made the Irishman's stomach fill with butterflies.

If we ever get in a relationship, we can like, sneak out and go to each other's houses and just, cuddle. Or you know, more extreme cuddling...

He pulled up to the house, and his mouth was dropped open in awe. Sure this side of the neighborhood was a lot richer, but he never ventured this far into it. The houses looked like they were made of high quality wood that came from the forests of Africa or something like that. Mark's especially.
His house was two or three stories tall, maybe four if he had a basement.

The outside was decked with beautiful greenery and trimmed bushes; the right side had a waterfall that ran from his porch to the bottom of the driveway. But one thing Jack had his eyes laid on, the one thing he couldn't stop looking at, was the golden retriever laying on the front lawn. Jack knew at that moment, that if Mark didn't let him pet that dog, he was going to have to give up his crush and find a new one.

He worked up the courage to exit the vehicle, and walk up towards the front door. The golden retriever got on it's paws, and started barking at Jack. Although it didn't move from it's spot, the barking alone startled Jack.

Before he could even knock on the door, it opened violently and there stood Mark. He was in a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, which Jack could tell you was easily the most attractable thing about this whole scene.

"Chica!" Mark yelled, his face pulled into a frown. The dog continued to bark. "Chica halt!" The dog stopped, but it's snout was still scowled. Mark looked down at Jack with an apologetic face. "Sorry about Chica. She's usually not like that unless it's someone new."

Jack smiled slightly and looked back at the dog. She was returned to her previous position, but her head was still snapped at Jack.

Chica. What a cute name.

"Do you have it?" Mark asked, opening his door more and inviting Jack inside. He looked around the room, and once again, was in awe. Just the entrance alone was beautiful. A staircase that spiraled slightly upwards and downwards was the first thing you could see when you walked in. There was a balcony above which Jack assumed connected the south with the north side of the upper part of the house.

"Hm?" Jack replied, scanning over the various items in the entrance.

"My homework?" Mark cracked a smile. Jack looked back up at Mark and jumped slightly.

"O-oh right! Sorry," he stuttered, grabbing his backpack and opening it. He handed the papers to Mark, and zipped his bag up. "Would you like me to help you with what we went over with? It was kind of easy so..."

"I mean, if you want to... I thought you had work today?" Mark questioned, looking over the papers. Jack cocked his head to the side, confused on how Mark knew that. "Felix told me."

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