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Hope you enjoy my new story :) I would be grateful if someone can make me a cover for this story  please. Sorry for any mistakes!

     The scariest thing that can ever happen to you is being kidnapped, especially when your kidnapper is a werewolf. I'm Emma Flores, today is my birthday and I'm turning 18. I'm dreading this day, it's going to be a bad day. I miss my family and friends, and I worry for them. I haven't seen them since I was 16, but it's for the better they are safe and sound.

"Emma! Put your outfit on! Get ready for the Alpha it's a special day for him today!" shouted Lieutenant Marcus. Huh funny? It's supposed to be my special day. I guess not. Marcus is one scary guy... werewolf...and I didn't want to complain or else he would hit me. I remembered the first day I got here Marcus beat me almost to death to show me what would happen if disobeyed any of the pack members. Since I'm a dirty human any of the pack members got to do anything they want with me except have sex, only the Alpha was able to do that, thank god he didn't. He was saving that for today.... 

I've been touched but none of them can take my virginity or else they were to be killed. Every day I think about how lucky I am to be alive but I'm suffering more since I'm alive. I used to plan out my escapes but I were to be killed if I tried like my best friend Kayla... I'm not the only slave here, there's fifty of us and if your wondering we are living in a mansion. Kayla always planned out our escape plan and I chickened out the day both of us were supposed to escape and I let her go by herself. It was my fault she died and when the other slaves tell me it's not I ignore them. It was my fault I was supposed to die with her. That day all the hope I had of escaping faded away. 

Since today it's my birthday everyone is celebrating, as in the werewolves get to have some fun with the slaves. Every time it's a slaves birthday the pack choose a girl they want to have sex with. It never happened to me because I was the youngest slave here and the Alpha wanted to wait till I turned 18 to take my virginity away, and I'm scared. I want to cry, but I don't want to get smack. 

Some of the pack members can't hit me to hard because they will leave me marks, and the Alpha doesn't  want any harm on my body. I don't even know the Alphas name, the first time I saw him I thought how gorgeous he was... but behind his sexy looks there was a monster. He used to hit me when I talked without permission. The only way I knew he forgave me was when he kissed me. He only treats me this way, not the other slaves. They were the lucky ones in my opinion, but they say I'm lucky for having a sexy male wanting me, they are wrong. 

Some of the slaves here are happy living here, and they are well treated for feeling that way. The one's who are against it are treated like shit because they aren't acting like whore's. I remember one time for my punishment I had to be naked for a day to give a little show to the pack. It was dreadful and I cried myself to sleep that day. Some slaves actually prefer being naked, but they only do it because they get luxuries for pleasing the pack. I won't do it, it's just wrong. But today the worst thing will happen to me and day by day this is becoming normal to me.

"Emma hurry up or I'll change you myself!" shouted Marcus.

"Sorry sir..,"

I changed into a black lingerie , which was really hard because my hands were shaking a lot. I had to do my hair and put on some makeup to please the Alpha. Every movement I did Marcus was just staring at me. I felt very uncomfortable and shy. For four years being humiliated I'm still not used to changing and being naked to any of the pack members.

"I'm ready..." I said, I wish I wasn't and I wanted time to slow down.

"Finally.. you look beautiful and you will please the Alpha greatly," Marcus said. Marcus may be a dick but in truth out of all the pack members he's the only one who's been nice to me, even tho he beat me. I prefer him when his black eyes are kind and gently instead of deadly. Marcus is a good looking guy who is obviously taller than me and fit. I love his tan skin and sometimes I like it when he touches me. I do have a crush on him, I know I'm stupid, but he takes care of me from the others and I would of killed myself if it wasn't for him. He hurts me because it's his job as lieutenant to make sure I behave, I make sure I don't cause so much trouble but anything I do always gets me in trouble. I'm a human and anything I do is wrong and disgraceful to werewolves. I'll mention that later but now it's time to go to my birthday party.


"Don't be nervous Emma it will happen quick it it makes you feel better think of someone when you sleeping with the Alpha," said Marcus. Yeah I'll be thinking of you....

I blushed at the thought of it and I wanted so badly to go back to my room. I couldn't either way because we made it to the lounge. The moment me and Marcus entered I smelled cigarettes and weed, it smelled terrible especailly the taste. There were times when some of the pack members made me smoke to pleasure them. It was terrible and I would get sick later one. Passing though the hall I would get some whistles and compliments from some of the pack members.

"Dam Emma look at you! So fucken sexy,"

"YOU MEAN HOT! Look at her legs,"

"You mean look at her tits,"

Compliment after compliment I wanted to runaway and hide. I felt uneasy too but luckly Marcus was holding my back to make sure I wouldn't trip or fall. 

"OK mutts keep it down!!!" a voice shouted.

My worst nightmare was there, laying down on the couch with a glass of whiskey on one hand and the other with a cigarette. He stood up looking at me with his fierce green eyes and gave me his famous wicked evil smile. It was the Alpha.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2014 ⏰

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