Jungkooks place

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When Jungkook finished cleaning up jimins cut he quickly got the car started again and set off to his apartment.

When they arrived they both got out the car, Jungkook got jimins bag from the back of the car which he put there before jimins father dragged him out the car and headed to the door.

They walked into jungkooks place. Jimin felt awkward and slightly confused as to why Jungkook was being so nice to him. They only started texting not long ago and now he was in his house.

"Come in jimin, you don't have to stand take a seat" Jungkook said from the kitchen door way. Jimin walked in but before he did anything he asked "where should I put my shoes" Jungkook told him to put them just by the door under the coat hangers so he did. When he took his shoes off he went to the sofa and sat down playing on his phone.

Jungkook returned from the kitchen with a bottle of water for jimin "thank you kookie" jimin said, Jungkook smiled and sat down next to him putting on the tv.

4 hours later

It started to get dark and late so jungkook decided to go find somewhere for jimin to sleep because he didn't have a guessed room and he didn't want him sleeping on the sofa.... he decided that he would let jimin have his bed and he would sleep on the sofa. He cared a lot for jimin and didn't want him to feel awkward or uncomfortable.

"Jimin you can sleep in my room tonight I'll sleep on the sofa" Jungkook told jimin "are your sure. I don't want to take your bed from you" jimin responded but Jungkook just nodded his head "no take my bed I don't mind I don't want you to be uncomfortable, after everything you have been though" Jungkook said almost tearing up at the thought of what jimin must have gone though back at his house.

"Ok kookie thank you" jimin said as Jungkook pulled him into another hug, jimin was not used to this even before he came out to his parents he didn't have the best relationship with them they didn't ask how his day was at school they never wished him good night. So this to jimin was strange but he hugged Jungkook back anyways.

"Come on it's getting late. I'll show you to my room I put your bag in there earlier" Jungkook spoke breaking the hug. Jimin felt sad when the hug broke he missed the warm feeling he got inside of being held.

They both walked to jungkooks room and they both sat on the bed for a bit and talked.

"You have a really nice place kookie" jimin said with a smile on his face. Jungkook giggled and smiled back at him. His smile soon faded when he saw the bruising up jimins arm and the rest of jimins make up covering the bruising on his face started to come off.

Jungkook put his thumb up to jimins face, jimin flinched in pain and tears started to roll down his face, Jungkook noticed and took jimins hand with his free hand "if it starts to hurt just squeeze my hand, don't worry about hurting me" Jungkook told jimin as he kept looking at his face and running his fingers over the cuts and bruises.

Jimin never let his grip on jungkooks hand go, it hurt to much. Jungkook stood up still not letting go of jimins hand, he pulled jimin with him trying not to hurt him and they headed to the bath room where Jungkook kept a first aid kit. He let go of jimins hand to get out some wipes and some liquid that cleared cuts.

"Jimin please tell me if I hurt you. And I'll stop" Jungkook started to put the wipe to jimins face which made him wince in pain. After a few seconds Jungkook had finished cleaning up the first cut.

"Kookie...." jimin suddenly spoke "are you ok?" Jungkook said sounding worried "please can you hold my hand again, it helped" jimin said turning a shade of pink Jungkook chuckled at his cuteness and took his hand again which made jimin smile.

A few minutes had passed and Jungkook was all done with cleaning jimins face and arms. The cuts had already started to fade.

They headed back to the bedroom Jungkook still squeezing jimins smaller hand. "Did you bring any night clothes with you?" Jungkook asked "yes I did there just in my bag" jimin pointed to his bag. Jimin let go of jungkooks hand and walked over to his bag to get out his sleep wear.

Jungkook turned around so he was not looking at jimin getting dressed. He knew jimin was done when he sat down on the bed next to him and tapped his shoulder. He was wearing a white oversized shirt and black shorts.

Jungkook looking him up and down... wow he really liked jimin. But they just met in person for the first time today he can't say anything to him.

They both laid down on the bed now more comfortable around each other. Jungkook took out his phone and opened snapchat. He went on the filters and told jimin to pick one. Jimin picked one with a half mask that covers the month which Jungkook understood.

He held the phone above them so they both had the filter on there face jimin moved closer to Jungkook and put his arm around his chest, Jungkook smiled at jimins action and took the picture.

"Send me that" jimin said smiling at how cute they looked together. Jungkook did what jimin said and sent it to him. Jimin watched as Jungkook did so and saw his name on Jungkook Snapchat
'🌎💙my world💙🌎' jimin smiled at his name and closed his eyes still cuddled up to Jungkook.

Jungkook knew jimin saw his snapchat name but he didn't mind. It brought a smile to his face so Jungkook smiled to.

"Kookie..." jimin said with his eyes still closed "yes..?" Jungkook asked "thank you for everything. I've never had someone like you that would help me though all the hard times" jimin smiled as he lay next to Jungkook still with his arm over him "you don't need to thank me jimin I will always be here for you.....my world" both jimin and Jungkook laughed at the last thing he said.

Jungkook started to cuddle up with jimin and he did back and soon they where fast asleep in each other's arms.


Seen as though I have a few people reading this story I though I'd do one of these author note things.

Hope you are enjoying the story so far.

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