Chapter 12

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Jimin: Hey babe.

Jimin sneak up behind me and whisper softly into my ear. I jump a bit in my seat from surprise. He laughs at my reaction and sit down next to me. I lower my head to hide my blushing face as Jimin's little word keeps repeating in my head. Babe. No one's ever called me that before and I didn't mind because I don't like being call that.

It's cringe and such an overused word. But somehow Jimin found a way to say it that didn't make me cringe. It made my heart happy and my head repeating the word over and over. Hoseok and Taehyung sit down across from us beside Cathy.

Taehyung: So Y/N, who are you taking to the Kim's dance?

Taehyung asks putting the pressure on me. I can feel Hoseok, Cathy, and especially Jimin's stares. They're all expecting me to ask Jimin, but I don't even know if I want to go to the dance.

Y/N: I don't think I'm going to the dance.

I tell them sheepishly, lowering my head.

Jimin: Why not?

Y/N: Because it's just a stupid dance. I don't dance okay. I don't want to spend my Friday watching people dancing.

Jimin: You're going. I'm going to make you go even if I have to drag you there. You're going.

Jimin tells me with a joking tone but I'm sure he's serious about dragging me there. I sigh and give in.

Y/N: Fine. I guess I'll come out of my shell and actually have a social life for one night

Jimin: Yes!

Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jimin high-five each other causing me to roll my eyes at them. Jimin clears his throat to get my attention.

Jimin: Y/N: don't you have something to ask me?

He grin, I groan. I know exactly what question he wants me to ask.

Y/N: Do I really have to ask

Jimin: Yes. It's not official until you ask.

Jimin smirks, waiting patiently for me to ask the magic question. I roll my eyes at him but my mouth is in a wide smile.

Y/N: You're such a girl.

Reluctantly, I ask him.

Y/N: Will you, Park Jimin do the honour of being my date to the dance?

He grins

Jimin: I have to think about it.

He puts on a face like he's actually giving it a thought. I scoff, already knowing the answer.

Jimin: Yes.


Y/N: What's so special about a room full of teenagers dancing and socializing?

I shout to Jimin over the loud. He leans closer towards me and and shouts.

Jimin: It's called having fun. You should try it sometimes.

I chuckle and roll my eyes at him

Jimin: Let's dance!

He suggested. Without waiting for a response from me, he grabs my hand and drag me with him to the middle of the gym where a bunch of students are dancing.

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