Chapter 3: You Don't Do Goin' to the Pool with Women!

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The meeting place was near the pool entrance.

Shioriko latched her milky white arm around Koremitsu's, probably due to the excitement at the prospect of going to the pool.

This aspect however clearly highlighted her innocence and cuteness as a child.

"Listen up, don't sit on my lap when in the middle of the public."

"Got it."

She answered obediently.

Honoka was the first to arrive, and was waiting for Koremitsu's group. This was the second time he saw her dressed in casual wear, but on this day, she was dressed in a sleeveless summer knit and a slim pair of pants. The ridiculously large earrings and pendant matched the brilliant summer, and her great figure, coupled with the long, refined legs, made her resemble a fashion model.

After seeing Shioriko latch onto Koremitsu's arm by the side, Honoka narrowed her eyes, her lips sharp.

"Hello, Shiiko."

A forced smile appeared on Honoka's lips.

"Hello, Miss Shikibu."

Shioriko in turn replied with a radiant smile.

It was practically a recreation of the events two days ago, though both of them looked courteous on the surface, there was a frosty atmosphere beneath, and Koremitsu inadvertently let out cold sweat as he watched on.

"S-s-s-s-sorry for being late!"

And the bespectacled class representative with braids ran over to them, huffing and puffing like a goldfish.

"I had something going on, so, erm, I left my house late."

She stopped abruptly in front of Koremitsu and the rest, adjusted the glasses on her nose bridge, and readjusted her breathing.

(Why is this girl here too!?)

Honoka responded to Koremitsu's skepticism.

"Michiru was invited by me. Thanks for you help, Michiru, even though you're really busy there."

"No, I just didn't have that many important things to do today."

While Michiru continued to catch her breath, Honoka whispered to her,

"I'll leave you with what I requested yesterday."


Michiru nodded seriously.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Big brother Koremitsu, they seem to be whispering something. Let's go in together."

Shioriko tugged at Koremitsu's arm, ready to pull him.

At this moment, Honoka stood in front of them immediately.

"How thoughtful of you, Shiiko. I'm done with what I had to say though."

And then, she pulled Shioriko's milky white arm over.

"Now then, big brother Koremitsu here can't enter the girls changing room. Big sister Honoka will lead you in now."

"Eh, wait, I can walk this far myself. Ahh, big brother Koremitsu~~~~~~!!"

Koremitsu was dumbfounded as he watched Shioriko get dragged away by Honoka, one step at a time.

And so, Honoka dragged Shioriko through the gate.

"See you later then, Akagi."

"Y-yeah, I'll leave Shiiko to you."

"Wait, don't treat me like a kid!"

"Suetsumuhana" - Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro......(Volume 5)Where stories live. Discover now