Trip time

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"Stop!" Luna cried out making the twins stop. "Do you want Magnolia to end up like Setters Feild?" Luna asked. "No.." Wednesday and Zero mumbled.

"Now. Zero go to your guild and we will investigate and report back. Ok?" Luna asked. Raven nodded and the other two left with her.

Zero walked into the guild. She talked to Rufus and Minerva, since they made up. Zero heard whimpering and growling.

She rolled her and looked at her mate. Whom was fuming in a corner, staring at Rufus full of jealousy. Zero walked over to her mate. "Your so cute when your jealous!" She exclaimed. Rouge pouted. "What's wrong? Usually your face would be as red as a Christmas tree." Zero giggled at her comment.

"My mate doesn't love me anymore! She's flirting with him." Rouge glared a Rufus.

"To be honest, I thought he was a girl at first. Still not believing that he's not...but I will always love you! Your MY Shadow and I'm your light!" Zero smiled and hugged Rouge from behind.

Rouge smiled and blushed. Zero kissed Rouge on the lips gently then left when he started to get into it. Rouge whined and Zero winked with a smirk. "Rouge, Zero can I talk to you?" Sting asked. "You look dead inside." Zero said referring to the dark circles around his eyes. She stifled her laughter and nodded at his question.

The couple walked into Sting's office. "You both know Mating season is coming up, right?"

The couple nodded. "I know that it affects both of you so I invited all the dragon slayers and their possible mates to a hotel party! We will be staying there for about two weeks!" Sting exclaimed excitedly.

"Sounds fun."

"But the down side is, Zero is the only female dragon slayer. So if I'm wrong about the mates then they could go after her.." Sting trailed off.

Zero gasped. "Is Cobra coming?!" She asked excitedly. "I think..." Zero started to dance around happily making Rouge growl deeply.

Sting chuckled nervously as he sweat dropped.

"I need to go visit the guild?!" Zero shouted as she jumped out the window. "What for?" Sting yelled after her. "To collect my jewel from a bet! I'm gonna be rich!" She yelled back Rouge ran out after her.

When Zero reaches the guild she was laughing. "Hey I'm going on a vacation thing with all the dragon slayers so start packing!" Zero yelled. "Well...except for Wendy...she's to young for this..." Zero added. "Zero watch out!" Rouge yelled at the smiling girl.

Zero turned around and was met with a spear to the heart. She coughed up blood. "That hasn't happened in a long time. Still holding that grudge I see." She laughed.

"Huh, Ryder?" He face grew serious. A male with red hair and a baseball cap walked in. They stare at each other in silence. "Zero!" "Ryder!" They yelled at each other. Zero ran over and kicked him in the stomach through the guild hall.

"Do me! Do me!" Zero cheered as she jumped up and down. Ryder did the same to Zero and they started laughing with their arms around each other's neck. "I already joined your guild." Ryder said.

"Cool." Zero said.

"Who is this Miss. Shadow?" Rouge asked with venom dripping from his voice. "This is  my childhood friend, Ryder! He was training with my father. Well more like stalking him-" "Hey!" Ryder interrupted making Zero giggle.

"Was he also trapped in time?"

"Yeah. But he was kinda asleep the whole time so." Zero said.

"Oh and he's a dragon slayer!" She remembered.

"That's right! I'm a Time dragon slayer." He smirked and threw his arm around Zero's shoulder making Rouge growl. Ryder took his arm off. He went over to Rouge and whispered stuff to him. "HOW WOULD YOU EVEN KNOW THOSE THINGS?! I THOUGHT ONLY I KNEW?!" Rouge shouted at the top off his lungs. Zero looked confused until he explained. Zero bonked him on the head. "Stop lurking in people's thoughts it's rude." She scolded.

"Yes master." He whined as he rubbed his bump. "I'm gonna go pack for my trip! See ya!" Zero yelled and ran out of the guild. Rouge sent another glare before following his mate. He didn't like how close Ryder and his mate were.

"Childhood friend."


"You were thinking, what's your relationship with  him. So I answered." Zero said as she zipped up her suitcase.

"Oh." Rouge blushed and looked away shyly.

"I'm yours and your mine. I'm your light and your my dark." Zero beamed before making out with her boyfriend against a wall. Rouge regain dominance by flipping Zero onto the wall without breaking the kiss.

Zero walked him over to the bed and laid him down still kissing him. "Ahem. Guys, we gotta go." Sting interrupted with his shit eating smirk.

"Give us two minutes." Zero said as she went to Rouges neck.

"Two? You underestimate me. One is more like it." Rouge smirked and grunted as Zero found his sweet spot.
"It wouldn't be the first time." Zero smirked and abused that spot.

"Umm...Zero Rouge....everyone is watching you too..." Lucy laughed. Zero groaned and sat in Rouges waist. She turned around and pouted at the group.

"You guys are no fun." She got up leaving a blushing Rouge.

"Come on Rouge. You can't hide under the sheets forever." Natsu said and tried to pull the sheets off.

"It wouldn't be the first time I walked in on them." Sting chuckled.

"Perv." The females said in unison.

"We need to change the locks." Zero said out loud as she wrote it down on a notepad.

After everyone tried to cheer Rouge up, Zero walked over there. She went under the sheets. They heard a few coughs. And assumed that Zero used her magic to speak through his head. Zero emerged from the sheets with a bright red Rouge.

"Now that that's settled. Let's go! I can't wait!" Zero cheered and pushed all the baggage into her storage portal. Everyone looked shocked. "What?" She asked innocently. She walked ahead dragging a still bright red Rouge along.

"This is gonna be awesome!" She shouted.

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