Silence is the worst medicine.... *Transformers Prime KnockOut X OC*

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                           I stood outside my house as the cold air touched the new bruises I had just earned this morning. Everyone I knew had perfect parents, but me, I had parents who beat me just for the fun of hearing me scream. I have stopped talking just because of it. I have no friends and I trust no one. I walked past school and took a walk just outside of town. All of a sudden just a few feet in front of me a Greenish Blueish swirling vortex appeared in front of me. I was so shocked I stumbled back and only heard my head slamming into the asphalt beneath me.


                     I ran out of the Groundbridge, only to halt in front on a fleshling with a red substance coming out of the part they call the head. She looked like if someone didn’t help her soon she would perish. I don’t know what happened but the next thing I know is that I’m racing to the Medical Bay carrying the fleshing on a table and repairing her wound on her head. The rest of the night I sat in the Medical Bay watching her carefully…

Silence is the worst medicine.... *Transformers Prime KnockOut X OC*Where stories live. Discover now