The Hogsmeade Trip

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Harrys POV

Draco and I woke up a couple of hours early on the day of the Hogsmeade trip and couldn't fall back to sleep so we read until the time for breakfast came we dressed quickly and walked to breakfast hand in hand, "Harry?" he asked looking at me,

"Yes?" I asked looking at him,

"How am I going to tell mother and father we are together?" he asked looking at me sadly,

"Have them over for a meeting and we could tell them and have Dumbledore in the room that way if things get out of hand he can send them off," I replied smiling at him,

"Ok, we could do that I'll owl them tomorrow," he said and I nodded before we walked into the hall I kissed him softly,

"Hey, Harry, we need to tell you something," Hermione said as we sat down,

"What is it?" I asked confused,

"The letter Hedwig brought when she was annoyed, we have it and you might wanna read it," she said handing me the letter and I read it with Draco reading over my shoulder it read: 

Dear Harry, 

We have been recently informed that you have turned sixteen and have come into an inheritance, you are Godric Gryffindors grandson and you are the heir or prince of Gryffindor and we would like to inform you that your father James Potter did, in fact, survive the killing curse but died later on trying to get you to safety we are sorry for your loss and congratulate your inheritance.



"Well, this is something," Draco said and I looked up bewildered,

"This is awesome! Except my father died to get me to safety that's sad," I said and they nodded,

"That's why we wanted you guys to walk with us yesterday," Pansy spoke up I looked at Blaise who was looking disgusted at his boyfriend for inhaling his food,

"Ron, baby, can you please slow down you're gonna make yourself sick," Blaise said holding his arm to make him slow down, to which, Ron growled,

"I wouldn't mess with him and his food, if I were you, Blaise," I said looking at all the shocked Slytherins,

"Anyway, I'm dating the Prince of Gryffindor?" Draco asked turning to me,

"Yes, you are," I said giggling, "That makes you, my princess,"

"Very funny," he said turning back to his food, 

"Ready for Hogsmeade?" Hermione asked looking at us,

"I sure am," I said smiling, "Pansy or Blaise I'm going to need your help with something,"

"With what?" Pansy asked and I nodded my head toward Draco and they understood. 

After breakfast me, Draco, Hermione, and Pansy occupied one carriage while Blaise and Ron were with some fifth years we didn't talk, mainly because Hermione and Pansy were too busy snogging, until we got to Hogsmeade I took Pansy and Blaise with me as Ron and Hermione went with Draco, "So, what does Draco like?" I asked as we walked through the crowded street,

"He likes chocolate and anything green," Pansy said and I nodded we went into one of the candy shops and I got him some chocolate, 

"Does he like stuffed animals?" I asked as we were walking through a gift shop, Blaise and Pansy wanted to get something for their lovers too, 

"Does he like stuffed animals?" Blaise repeated and I looked at him confused,

"What?" I asked confused,

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