chapter 5

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It is currently 5 and I'm supposed to be at Roxanna's soon and still have no idea what to wear. "Forrest!" My beta Mac yells. My head snaps to him. "Just put on some jeans and a button up shirt. Casual but also business." He groans flopping down on my bed. In seconds he is off my bed. "You good?" I ask him. "Um yeah just the thought of what you will be doing on that bed soon." He says with a shiver. A smug smirk forms on my face as I get ready. I listen to his suggestion and put on dark blue jeans, a black button up shirt, and my black Nikes. I roll the sleeves up to my elbow and look one last time in the mirror. This is a step on the right direction for our relationship. "You'll do fine just be yourself." Mac whines. Nodding I head to dad's office.
      "You clean up well son." Dad praises. "Thanks Dad." I say with a small smile. I grab the paperwork and prepare to leave when Parker mindlinks us. "Rogue has been spotted and captured near the south border. Taking her to the cells." I groan knowing I have to go deal with him now. "I'll talk to Roxanna for you." Mac says leaving. He will meet me there. Now this rogue will get it.

Roxanna POV
      I pull the pot pies out the oven and begin to let them cool. Forrest should be here any minute so they will still be hot when we eat. I smile to myself. "This will be the first time eating outside my room in 6 years.. and I'll be eating with someone else. This is a good change. Maybe we are getting somewhere." Then a knock sounds from the front door. I rush over and open it. "hey forr..." I stop. "Beta Mac." I say bowing slightly. I watch as he shifts from foot to foot. "Hey Anna... Um.. Forrest can't make it. He um.. a rogue was spotted and captured at one of the borders and he has to interrogate her." He says not looking at me. My heart drops. I swallow the lump in my throat and push back the tears. "Right.. um hang around for a second and I'll pack the dinner I made for him. I'm sure he will be tired after he's done." I say casting my eyes to the floor as I walk away to the kitchen. I quickly pack his pot pie and get ready to bring it to beta Mac. "I guess I am eating in my room again. At least he's doing something beneficial." I say to myself. Not realizing I'm in front of beta Mac. I hand him the pot pie and go to turn around. "Its just a rogue Roxxy.. just a rogue. Only one. He won't be hurt. He will come back." I say to myself. Closing the door beta Mac stops me. "I'll protect him.." he tells me. I snap my eyes to him  and realize... "I was talking out loud." My eyes go wide. He chuckled at me. "Yes but don't worry. I'll make sure you get him back." He assures me. I nod and give him a small smile. Closing the door I go grab my food and go to my room. Slowly I eat and watch TV. Before finally falling asleep.

Forrest POV
        I stand in front of the rogue girl with her blood on my hands. Her hands and feet were bound when I came in and she just won't give anything up. "Alpha Forrest." Mac comes up beside me. I nod without taking my eyes off the rogue.
      For another hour I beat the girl and so do my warriors but she says nothing. So I decide to take a break. I walk outside with Mac. "How is she?" I ask him. "Um.. fine I guess." He responds. I give him a curious look. "When I came up she was talking to herself. I think she was in the kitchen. Said something about eating out of her room for the first time in 6 years and having someone to eat with. And when I told her she looked defeated. She packed a pot pie for you." He says. But the look on his face shows that he isn't telling me something. "What aren't you telling me?" I ask facing him. He gulps. "When I was about to leave she started mumbling something." He starts looking away from me. "About it only being one rogue and that you would be ok. That you would come back to her." She said it over and over again... As if she was trying to make herself believe it." I swear I heard him whimper. "Why are you crying?" I ask. "B-because she's my... My um... Cousin. She doesn't know though. Honestly only I do. My grandparents left the family to join this back when they were teenagers... Before their first shift." He says. Holy shit. "She had my grandmothers scent.. that's how I found out." He explains. I slide down the side of the building in thought.
    "First I find her and almost reject her, then I find out she's the wealthiest person in the pack, she ends up saving is all from starving, she beats Parker, tells me no, I learn she has alpha blood, and now she's my betas cousin... Do the surprises ever stop." I ramble. He slides beside me. "That means you have alpha blood in you too." I tell him. "I'd rather be beta... You can go deal with those egotistical alphas. I'll stay here." He chuckled and soon I join in.
     "And what's so funny here misters." Mom scolds. "Found out Mac here has alpha blood.. he's Roxanna's cousin. But he says I can go deal with egotistical alphas." I say shaking my head. Mom does to.. with a smile. "Any progress of the rogue?" She asks. "No she won't talk." I say getting agitated. "Can she talk?" She asks. "Huh?" Me and Mac ask in unison. "Is she mute? Or does she just not want to talk?" She asks. With that we both shoot out of our spots and barge into the cells. We slam hers open and she looks at us with fear. "Can you talk?" I ask. "or are you mute?" Mac asks. She stares at Mac. "Are you mute?" He asks narrowing her eyes. She nods vigorously. "Holy fuck! That would have saved us so much time!" I yell throwing my hands up. "We are going to ask you yes or no questions and you are going to answer." I tell her. She nods. "Good." And that is what started the all night questioning. Trying to figure out how to get the information we need out of her. Which she corroperated the entire time. Turns out she had been kidnapped and belong to the shadow pack. A Ally of ours. Which I called early in the morning to get conframation.
    But now I have no time to sleep because school starts in a hour.

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