Gate Duty - Sarge

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'Everyone plays a part here at Altura, everyone has a job and that means you all will to' you sighed as you listened to woman with the clipboard; you hitched your gun in your arms and waited as she went down her list assigning roles to people. Doc returning, almost, to his pre-z job as an intake examiner, 10K was sent off to do munitions checks and you and Sarge were given gate duty with the volunteer militia. It was now that you all split up. Doc and 10K went their separate ways to start work and you trailed after Sarge.

"Gate duty... they got us working gate duty?" She sighed, sounding irritated. "You and I are capable of so much better! Aside from 10K no one is a better shot than you! And me! I talk Zed tactics in my sleep!" She tossed her gun to her side so it swung around to her back on the strap; you had to step briskly to the side to avoid being hit in the kneecap by her AWOL gun barrel. You stifled a laugh but not very well. Sarge stopped and turned to look at you. "What? Don't you agree with me?" She sounded annoyed and you looked at her intently, taking in all her features for the umpteenth time that week. "(Y/N)? Do you disagree?" You snapped out of your trance.

"Of course not, there is no-one more suited to lead us into a battle against Z's than you!" You grinned at her. You knew you looked a mess, dirty face and knotty hair and you knew your breath probably smelled like week old beans, but there was something about the woman standing in-front of you that could make you smile no matter what was happening. Sarge smiled at your comment and nodded her head.

"You're damn right!" She seized her gun from her side and slid the strap round her self so she could comfortably carry her gun again. "I don't know what I would do without you (Y/N) you know... you keep me calm. Whenever I just want to loose my shit I look at you and something about your laid back, relaxed approach to all things gory and dangerous just makes me calm... I think to myself 'if she can stay calm with no military discipline then why the hell can't I!' and that... well that keeps me calm" She breathed a laugh and turned and started walking again towards the gate. You were stuck, frozen, your heart beating hard inside your chest, your eyes wide and grin playing about your lips. Sarge turned back to see you hadn't moved. "I meant no offence by the whole 'no military disciple thing' by the way" She looked apologetic like she thought she had hurt your feelings rather than make them burst into butterflies that were now frantically beating their wings against your heart. You looked at her and saw an opportunity to tease her.

"No offence? Well that's just not good enough... Lilly!" She looked surprised to hear you use her name. You began to walk towards her as you spoke. "You really hurt me..." You took you gun off from round you by unbuckling the clip. Sarge's eyes widened but relaxed as you tossed your gun to floor. You pointed to her gun, and she copied you, looking very confused but also scared. "You're in big trouble Lilly Madison Mueller" Again Sarge looked shocked to hear her name.

"(Y/N)... what are you..." You cut her off by running at her and pushing her to the ground. You pinned her in the grass and grinned down at her. She initially looked at you with bemusement but then smiled widely; she grabbed your hips and pushed you off her as rolled over to take your place as the pinner. You looked up at her and looked right back down at you. "You're not really mad at me are you?" You rolled your eyes.

"As if I could ever be mad at you!" You shook your head "I'm almost hurt that you thought I could be!" Sarge looked at you intently and looked back once again taking in her features but something was different this time... her eyes were softer and her lips were pursed slightly. You bit your lip and then started laughing, Sarge looked at you and then started laughing as well. She got off you and stood up then offered her hand out to you, you took it and let her pull you to your feet.

"You know (Y/N)... you're pretty amazing... I didn't think people like you still existed in the apocalypse" Her cheeks flushed a little.

"People like me, huh?" You grinned at her and she playfully glared at you.

"Stop making this harder for me!" She smiled as her face went pinker. "Your cool and you know... pretty... and..." Your smile grew and you stepped closer to her, you reached up and pushed her long knotty fringe out of her face, you continued the movement down to cup her cheek, she looked at you and then leaned in and kissed you softly on the lips, you kissed back and moved the hand you had on her face to the back of her neck to pull her closer to you. She wrapped her arms round your waist, holding you close to her. You both needed this, you both needed each other. In that moment everything faded away, there were no z's, no talkers, no enders and no other people. It was just you and her and it was the beginning of something new and amazing...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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