Chapter one

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As they moved all of my belongings out of my old house I felt all of the memories of this place come to me. I stood in my old living room and remembered something I thought I'd never forget.


'My drunken father burst threw the front door with a opened can of beer in his hand. He looked at my mother and I with such hatred, he clenched his jaw and balled up his fist so tight his knuckles were white. His ice blue eyes turned into pitch black and filled with anger. He charged at me throwing punches,kicks, and glass at me with no mercy. I screamed and cried but that only made him fume with much more anger. My mother tried pulling him off of me but that made it worse. He finally grew tired and I lied in a puddle of my own  blood crying my pain away'

*end of flashback*

My eyes teared up from the thought of all of the bad memories in this house. I walked over to the stairs touching the rim bringing back another memory.


'After about a week from my last beating I've been locked away into my room because as my father says "I never want to see your face you are the devils child and a disgrace to our family" he hates every thing about me. But his only love is his son/my stepbrother Frank. He would die for him but he would let anything harm my mother and I. Just then my father kicked down my door yelling "DIE THE DEVIL MUST DIE" as my mother tried to stop him he pushed her making her hit her head on the wall knocking her out. He got a good grip of my hair and began to drag me to the stairs. I begged and pleaded but all he said was "Just do us all a favor and die" before throwing me down the stairs causing my ankle to brake'

*end of flashback*

I felt something warm on my cheek not realizing that I was crying. I took a deep breath and walked up the hard original wood covered stairs and stopped at my room door.


'My father was beating the life out of my mother while frank was  beating me. Blood was all over the carpet and our screams filled the house but it was like nobody can hear our crys for help. My father stopped and pulled out a gun and so did frank. My heart completely stopped and I felt like this was gonna be my last day on earth. I heard a POW sound and I knew it was from one of the guns but it wasn't Franks, I looked over at my mom only to see she was laying face down in a pool of blood and laughter from my father filled the room. I used all my strength to crawl over to her, I begged for her to wake up but I knew she was gone and was in a better place. Then all of a sudden another loud POW sound filled the room and my arm felt like it was on fire and blood was streaming down my left arm. I screamed and yelled so loud I felt like the entire earth heard me but nothing happened. Frank stood in front of me and put his finger up to his lips before him and my father ran out of the house. I thought they were finally gone until it smelled like something was burning, smoke filled the room leaving no fresh air for me to breathe I tried to find my way out until I grew weaker and everything went pitch black'

*end of flashback*

That's when I fell to my knees and cried. I heard heavy footsteps coming my way so I wipe my tears away and stand up rubbing my left arm that still has the scar from the bullet. I looked up and it was one of the workers.

"We have everything packed Miss Lily" the man stated while using my first name because I never tell people my last name.

"Thank you and if there is any items in here I will personally like to throw it away" I mentioned before taking on last look at the room. All of a sudden hands are covering my eyes and giggling fills the room.

"Really Monica" I say while removing her hands from my eyes.

"Surprise bestie" she squeals and puts the teddy bear my father gave me in my hands.

"Why are you giving me this" I gained serious and felt anger and fear in my body from looking at this bear. The left eye was off, cotton was falling out left and right, and it still had the burnt nose from the small fire. I snatched the bear out of her hands.

"Sorry but I heard you tell the worker if he found anything in here to give it to you so you can personally throw it away so your welcome" she explained then a smile came apon my face.

"Lets go I'm tired of looking at this place" I said while placing my arm around her shoulder squeezing the bear.

We saw the moving truck was gone and I looked at the house one last time and mouthed 'Its all over'. I looked at the bear and threw it on the ground. I got in the car and as we pulled off it felt like  weight was lifted off of my shoulders.


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