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1945- Scientists are recruited from Nazi germany to conduct research for the U.S.A. 

1967- Mount massive asylum for the criminally insane. Three scientists are murdered by an unknown patient. Authorities order the asylum to cease all activities. 

1972- Cia Director orders all research files destroyed. A small number of documents survive.

1976- The asylum reopened. To keep the shine, Dr.Wilhelm treated his patients normaly, on the first floor. One floor below, called "level 2", he kept on doing illegal experiments. The New Cia Director, Emily Shawfield  found out about the reopening. She got in contact with Dr. Wolfgang von Wilhelm (the son of one of the scientists). Emily: "Doctor?, I've read about your father's research and i would like to make an offer."  Dr: "An offer? for what?" he replied with a curious undertone. E: "Can we meet and disguss it in person? I assume you are working right now?"  "Yes, I don't think it's the perfect time to m-" "I will be there in 20 minutes".

The director arrived at the asylum. Dr: "So what's the offer you were talking about?" Emily sat down "Like i said, your father's research..  it's a shame that he couldn't finish his project. With my resources you can finish what your father has started, but like everyone else I don't know the whole story.." The doctor smirks and start's to tell what she wants to know "well.. his goal was to create one treatment to cure all mental ilnesses. The treatment seemed to work on his patients at first, but it didn't last long. Chris Metzger "patient zero" was diagnosed with "antisocial personality disorder (APD), he was the first one who got the treatment. His brain scans showed some weird changes and other side effects, such as feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in violent behavior and readiness to attack or confront withourt provocation. One day he tricked a nurse and killed her. After he escaped from his room, he killed other patients and 3 scientists, including my father." "Oh I'm sorry to  hear that. What happened to "patient zero" did they kill him?" "No, he was sent to an other mental hospital. When I reopened this asylum, I got him back." "Got him back?, shouldn't he be 70 years old or something bye now?" she asks with curiosity on her face. "Yes, but not quite. The treatment he got, seemed to slow his aging. I made various tests to see what actually happened to him and i noticed he became stronger, why we have to keep him narcotized."

"I'm sorry but why would be the director of the CIA, intrested in continuing my father's experiment?"  "I.. i want to assemble a taskforce and with your dad's treatment, we could create soldiers, who are smarter, stronger than any trained CIA agent. " 

-To be continued-

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