Running away

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Looking around the dark rotten cell I'am in I can't take it anymore I hate this place they treat me like shit. they never give me enough food or anything, The only sound I hear is the leaking water that's coming from the little sink in the corner of the room I get beaten up daily the only thing that keeps me alive is my wolf me and her are on really good terms I love her soo much, more than anything without her I'd be dead

"Love you too Vanessa" See what I mean "Vanessa you forgot to introduce yourself" Ohh sorry about that anyway. My name is Vanessa I'am 19 years old my wolf names is "Katy", I'am the daughter of the third in command, I have no siblings, I was from the blue moon pack before it got attacked by those stupid rouges and destroyed my home and my family,
I was only 11 at that time.

I remember it like it happened yesterday


Smoke filled the air, the pack running around, the mothers and the children were told to hide in the safe house that was underground, the men are on the battle field fighting those nasty rouges ,My dad ran with the alpha and beta, they shift in mid air and helped the rest of the pack, I was with the rest of the kids and the females when my dad sent my mom through their link telling us and the others to run away

Some were able to run away and some couldn't.
Once me and my mom were out and running away, she suddenly stopped and looked behind her
"Mom why did you stop" she looked at me and said "honey you need to run and never look back run as fast as you can and Don't get caught ok sweetie and" "but where are you going aren't you coming with me"
" no sweetie I need to go back and help your father "
"But mo.."
"No but's I need you to promise me that you'll never come back to the pack "

We began to hear rouges growling and running our way "you need to run NOW"


I went off running in my wolf form for 10 days ,I was starving I didn't know how to hunt and to be honest I wasn't really a runner

And my thighs we're killing me

I stopped by the lake because I was thirsty I drank and laid down to rest .

that was then I heard a growl from behind me and that nasty smell that makes me wants to gag


I stepped up fast and began running it was huge It was like 9 feet tall he was really big for my size

but I wasn't going down without a fight ,I kept running for a while until I thought I lost him

Until he came from behind me I was about to run again But my legs gave out. And the rest was history.


So that's my story about how I ended up in this hell cell .
The only good that I have in this hell cell is that there was this nice girl named "ashley" she's one year older than me, we would always keep eachother company ,she was also kidnapped just like me when I first came we were both scared but we were able to help each other for the past 8 years we became like best friends .

Then came in our daily routine to get beaten up by the demon himself, his name was Ryan but demon suits him better ,after a few slaps kicks and broken bones he was about to do something that never happened before he was beginning to un buckle his belt a pull his jeans off he was going to rape me
" hey leave her alone " ashley screamed
he was about to go beat her up again his eyes burning anger but thank the moon goddess some one called him

"Hey Ryan let's go we have some business to discuss"

"Can't you see I am in the middle of something here"

"You can come and  fuck her later but for  now we need to go "
" ughh fine" then he looked at ashley and said
"This is far from over"

That's when I have had enough. "Ashley we need to get out of here"
" I know I don't want either of us to get rapped or touched by those filthy rouges"
"What are we going to do"
"Don't worry Vanessa i got a plan, we will get out by midnight when everyone is at the meeting,  they never have one so there must be something "
"Ashley I'am scared " I said while crying Ashley came and hugged me
"Don't be no one is going to touch us again ok, I promise you"


So there goes my first chapter this is the first time for me to ever write a book so if there are any tipd I would be grateful.

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