(sorry for the wrong title)
I'm currently in high school, and for you, little gilly's who are wondering what it's like, well your in luck because, ATGA is here to tell you that it may or may not suck.
First thing, if you're in a large school, you're in luck. A large school will less likely have a social high higharcy and, may even not have any "POPULAR" kids at all. If you're in a small school, yhea, I'm sorry.
Now if your black or Hespanic or, Mexican in a mostly white school. don't worry most kids are fine and you will have no hate (just look out for the few bad apples). Now if you'ur white in a mostly black or Hispanic or, Mexican school (like me, I do have real experience with this) You are going to most likely be harassed \, bullyed, and even get death threats, and with the worst, you could get physically bullied. (I had gotten death threats but I never got hurt, if you do get hurt I would suggest contacting the principal or even the police) though this may not happen and you, it happened to me.
My bit of advice for classes,
1. The advanced classes are more likely to be fun
2. NGS sucks and you should just take chemistry or astrology
3. Don't take an elective class just because your friend is in it
4. Realize unless you want to read old littitrue french is kinda useless
5. Japanese is hard and takes a lot of work to learn, don't just take it because of anime because you will be forced to learn about the culture too you weeb.
6. Go to the clubs, trust me
7. DO NOT JUST draw anime in art, unless you are allowed too.
8. The math teachers will suck and WILL ALLWAYS give out homework on the weekends and EVEN ON BREAK
9. Government sucks and if you're in CA you HAVE to take it
10. The business classes are really fun
11. you dont HAVE to do heath freshman year
12. remember yo only do PE for 2 years
13. Drama sucks of your a freshman