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The first thing Azimuth felt was the dull ache that spread throughout his body. It was everywhere, even at the tips of his wings and in his smallest toe. He couldn't move much, but he did try. However, something held him in place, chains around his wrists and ankles that jangled when he moved.

He struggled to open his eyes, but his gaze was only greeted by darkness. Wherever he was, it was cold. Not to mention, his wings were cramping. They were immobilized also, tucked behind him and pressed against the cold stone wall. They ached far worse than the rest of him, the muscles spasming from behind held at an awkward angle for so long.

He heard a door open and shut somewhere nearby, but all he could see was darkness. However, only a moment passed before a beam of light shot into the room, causing a brief view of his surroundings. There was a door on the opposite wall, with a glass window big enough to press his whole hand against. Otherwise, the room was empty save a single chair and a light fixture in the ceiling. The light flicked on, temporarily blinding Azimuth. He heard the door open, followed by footsteps. He blinked, trying to regain his sight. Once his eyes adjusted, he found himself looking into a familiar cold face.

Dark eyes and dark hair, a handsome, chiseled face with a sharp jawline and a forever furrowed brow. Prince Tedren had always had that stoic expression upon his face. At least, as long as Azimuth had known him.

"Azimuth," Tedren passed to the chair, pulling it up and seating himself in it.

"Hey, Teddy," Az greeted, attempting to hide his pain behind an indifferent expression, "How's it been?"

Tedren glared at his former friend, crossing his arms across his chest, "Don't call me Teddy."

The muscles in his wings spasmed angrily, and Azimuth had to bite back a cry of pain. He didn't want Tedren to know just how bad of a shape he was in.

"Did you really think you could get away with all those prisoners?" Tedren questioned mildly.

Az chuckled, "Would have if your bloody ship hadn't shot us down."

"You're not some hero, Az," Tedren growled, leaning forwards, "The world is just as dark as it was, you can't change that."

Azimuth didn't respond, choosing not to say anymore. His body was weak, injured. He wasn't quite sure how bad, but he could feel the wound in his arm and another blooming across his right side. Perhaps he had a few ribs broken, he couldn't tell for certain. If Tedren would just release him from his restraints, he could at least figure out how bad the situation was.

Tedren got to his feet, "It's nothing personal, you know. I'm sorry it has to be this way." He paused to see if Azimuth would respond. When the Raelyn prince didn't speak, he turned and left the room, the light flickering out behind him. Once again he was in complete darkness.


Azimuth wasn't sure how long it had been. He was pretty sure he'd passed out at some point, but otherwise the passage of time was unclear. It had been hours, maybe a whole day, but he didn't think so. He wasn't entirely sure. His wings and hands had gone numb, neither a particularly good sign. But if his suspicions were correct, it wouldn't matter anyway.

Tedren would most likely execute him soon.

When he heard the door again and the light flickered on, he expected it to be the end. No doubt Tedren would have sent someone to retrieve him, he was sure. But when he heard a familiar voice call his name, his heart dropped.


Az blinked, his eyes adjusting again. This time, it wasn't Tedren's face that greeted him, but that of his younger brother. This one also had a sharp jawline, but his features were softer. Brown hair framed a gorgeous face, breathtaking green eyes boring into Azimuth, filled with shock. Azimuth was confused. Why was Terrin here?

"Oh my God!" Terrin exclaimed, racing towards him. He reached up, pulling the bindings open. They were metal, unlocked with a set of keys that Terrin clutched between his fingers. Azimuth dropped to the ground, his wings still bound behind him with leather straps. Terrin reached for these as well, but Az moved out of the way, glaring at the man who had once been his friend.

Azimuth undid the bindings on his wings, wincing in pain as he rotated his body to reach them. His ribs were definitely broken, and there was a long gash on his leg that he hadn't noticed before. His wings were cramped badly, shaking from pain. Azimuth was unable to hold back the cries of pain as another wave of muscle spasms wracked his body. He tried to stretch them, but it wasn't much help. They hurt, badly.

Terrin whimpered softly, his green eyes torn, "Please, let me help."

Azimuth didn't respond, but also didn't move away again as Terrin crouched next to him. The Alarone prince moved his fingers over the wings, massaging the smarting muscles. Az let him, though hesitantly. Why was Terrin helping him? It didn't make sense.

After the fall of Raelyn, Azimuth had heard stories of the royal family of Alarone. King Gregory had placed Tedren in charge of many things within the kingdom, intending to one day step down and allow his son to rule. Terrin had been aiding Tedren for some time, although recently he had been taking some time to act as a diplomat to other countries, traveling and doing administrative things that were necessary to the foreign affairs of Alarone. Talia had found a new suitor, and would soon be married off to the prince of a neighboring country that Alarone wished to establish trade with. None of that fit with Terrin's current behavior. Nor the concerned, upset green eyes looking back at the Raelyn prince.

"How did you get here?" Terrin whispered, eyeing the gunshot wound on the other man's arm.

"Teddy," Az responded simply, moving away from Terrin once again. He stretched his wings again. They still hurt, but the pain was beginning to lessen now that they were unbound. "Why are you here, Terrin?"

Terrin growled in anger, his green eyes suddenly ablaze, "Why did Teddy lock you up here? You're obviously hurt!"

Azimuth snorted, rolling his eyes, "Come on, Terrin. I know you're not stupid. I've been causing trouble for your brother, do you really think he'd let me live?"

Terrin froze, his eyes wide and his nostrils flaring. Az wasn't quite sure what to think. Had he really not realized?

"Come on," Terrin growled, stomping towards the door.

Azimuth sighed, "What? Terrin, be reasonable."

"Would you rather stay in here?" Terrin shot back, yanking the door open.

Azimuth stretched his wings again, unsure of Terrin's plan. How could he trust the prince again, after the fall of his people? He didn't like how this was going.

"Come on, before Teddy realizes!" Terrin shouted.

Azimuth sighed again. Well, it was either this or death. He followed his former friend, hoping to somehow come out of this alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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