Fun Facts About NTLN

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Congrats! You've made it to the end of the story in less than ten pieces! It's an accomplishment in my book. 

So I had a lot of ideas and thoughts and situations for while I was writing this story, and I thought for those who are curious about it, I've compiled a decent list of them so you can read more of how much bullshit I made to find a tiny gemstone in the midst of it.


1. This had its start while I was at my (former) job manning the drive-through payments at a fast food restaurant. Whenever we didn't have cars in the drive-through, I'd keep myself busy writing some snippets of what I thought of on a piece of receipt paper. The beginning of this story was the more refined version of what I had on that small paper one early September. 

2. The title was originally under "Niamh Me Alone". In my defense it was punny, which would give you an idea of what kind of humorous bullshit you were getting into.

3. And since I'm bringing up the almost concrete details, Niamh's original surname was Brightly. This was solely for that whole "for someone named bright everything about me is dark" shtick. And then I found out I didn't need to name her Brightly, since Niamh has the same meaning. I like reading comments readers leave at the end of the chapters, but I wasn't going to read 1000+ varied "SHE'S MOON MOON'S OWNER" comments.

4. While my other story "How NOT To Be His Muse" (formerly titled "Judging a Book by its Model") was to bring me out of 'depression-induced' writer's withdrawal, this story was to get me back into the routine I was familiar with. I'm still depressed, though, and it was hard to write all this while juggling with school, work, and wanting to sleep forever.

5. I kept up with the chapters for the first 16 I wrote before publishing the first one, but I got a request from someone who wanted me to write a Christmas story. Naturally, I dropped this story for a bit and worked on the short until it was finished. (Worth it, though; kept my ideas flowing and hands busy. Thank you, @parice1!)

6. I made several covers before being (finally) satisfied with the one I have right now. I'm an absolute amateur at cover-making, and this particular story didn't help improve my skill. However, I have the other versions down below because I think you guys should at least see what other ideas I had for this story.

7. I try not to write so close to my life... and then this happened. While Niamh was getting into an English college to get away from her parents, I recently got accepted(!) to a college outside of my homeland. My friends are far more pushier than Niamh's, and I need time to myself often that I feel like I'm not getting. There isn't much of a similarity between my life and the book, but imo I put in way more in this than in my other stories. 

8. The kiss scene between Aspen and Niamh really was supposed to be earlier in the story than it did. I don't know how the delays happened. I don't know why they happened. Just know I didn't mean to pull the dirty 'it's gonna happen -- sike!' trick. 

9. There was a plan for Ikra to have a bad allergic reaction to one of the inks after getting her tattoos done. I thought it would be one too many dramatic messes in the story. Although now that the story's finished, I wish I switched the Josh incident with this one. 

10. Dad was supposed to be consistent with his behavior from when he was first introduced to the end. But since he wasn't in the story as much, and Mom was doing a fine job on her own as an asshole parent, I thought it was appropriate to give him the redemption arc. That way, there'd be at least one parent Niamh could rely on.

Alternate Covers:

Alternate Covers:

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