Christmas baby

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Can't believe that you're 11 months now and this is your first Christmas. You've met Santa and I'm not so sure that you liked him. You've seen all the Christmas lights and I've never seen so much excitement come from a handsome little boy. Can't wait for Christmas day when your nearly one and get to open your presents on Christmas morning. I know you're still not going to understand it properly but you understand it more now than you would of if you were just a few weeks to a couple of months old. I've loved watching you grow every single day drew. You make me so proud. How can someone so small fragile and innocent

Turn into someone so strong and  intelligent in such a short time? You have teeth

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Turn into someone so strong and  intelligent in such a short time? You have teeth. Not many but you still have teeth you're learning that no means no and the word naughty means that you can't do it. You walk holding onto someone's hands or furniture or in your walker but otherwise you just crawl or shuffle across the floor on your bum, you can say a few words "mama or mum" "dada or dad" you try to say " dog" "cat" and your still working on saying "hiya", in mornings when you wake up you sit in your cot and  play with your teddy's for a while or look in the mirror by your cot and laugh at yourself letting me rest for a little while longer which I'm grateful for before you start screaming because you want to get out and you want breakfast. You sleep all the  way through the night unless your sick or you have more teeth coming through but I don't mind those nights for all you want  is mummy and cuddles . You honestly make me so proud to call you my son and I hope one day in the near future me and daddy will make you a big brother so you have someone to play with and somebody to teach all your skills to. I love you drew dohner with all my heart -mummy

Meeting santa for the first time, don't think you was to amused or liked him

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Meeting santa for the first time, don't think you was to amused or liked him. Maybe next year baby boy

At nanny's Infront of her Christmas tree

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At nanny's Infront of her Christmas tree. My favourite picture of you, definitely one to get printed to out in your book and have on the wall


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