The Sixth Insult

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The insults were about to get more personal. Today was when the real torment would begin. I could already hear his deafening screams just thinking about it.

I approached his cell in the dungeon once again. He was just eating an apple for lunch as he glared at me. He merely growled.

"Enjoying the food, Span-dumb?" I asked mockingly. "Don't get used to it. The next time I bring you food, it won't be as fresh."

The prisoner said nothing, but his eyes widened a little with anger.

"So, have you been thinking about your sins lately?" I asked. "Have you already started to regret what you've done? Because you should. All of the pain you've ever been in... You brought everything on yourself."

He threw the apple core on the floor and swallowed.

"You don't know a thing about morality," he muttered. "Do you really think the things I did count as SINS?? You call ME dumb, but you haven't been listening to me at all, you stupid, STUPID bitch."

That word always made me flinch a little, but I pretended it didn't bother me at all.

"Fine then!" I said, clapping my hands together. "Then I guess I'll have to find another nickname for you, Span-dumb. Hm... Let's see..."

I stroked my chin for a second and looked at the huge, dark circles around his eyes. I grinned.

"How about Spanda?"

He gritted his teeth so loudly, I could hear them creak. His eyes were wide and furious, but he didn't immediately start screaming. Instead, he aggressively, yet ominously, approached the bars of the cell and strongly grabbed hold of them.

"If you ever say that word again," he said in a harsh voice, "I swear that I will torture you for days on end before finally ending your life... Girda."

I couldn't help but be disturbed now and I backed away a little bit. This was the first time he actually said my name, and I was surprised he actually remembered it. I kind of regretted giving him my name, now that he'd said it out loud. Hearing him call me by my name was... actually worse than hearing him call me a bitch.

But nonetheless, his reaction was proof that the new nickname struck a serious nerve. I knew he had been called that in the past, and I could only imagine how humiliating it was to hear someone call him that again. His threat was frightening, but I couldn't let it get to me. I grinned.

"Well, does that name bring back any memories?" I said, which made him flinch. "I know that it does. I will never let you forget the humiliation you suffered. I will never let you out of here. You claim you will torture me until I die, but... I believe you will be the one to collapse first when I'm through with you, Spanda."

He slammed his fists against the bars.


"Empty promises," I said with a sigh. "You're a sad man, Spanda. Really sad."

I turned my back on him and walked away. The more personal I got, the angrier he became. Sooner or later, the insults would either break him, or finally get him to doubt his actions. And that was exactly what I was going for.

INSULTING SPANDAM - One Piece RageFicWhere stories live. Discover now