Chapter Four

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You wake up from a deep and peaceful sleep, feeling well rested and cozy and relaxed beneath the covers. The clock tells you that it's early in the afternoon, and when you turn to wake up your boyfriend, you notice that Shawn isn't in bed with you, and in his place lies a note folded up with a heart on the front. Your heart flutters, opening it to read.

"Good morning beautiful,

Sorry I couldn't wake up with you this morning. I had to go in to work at the company for a planning meeting about a charity event, but I promise I'll be home for dinner. Text me and let me know if you want me to pick something up.

I'll see you soon

P.S. Last night was incredible, I can't stop thinking about it"

His words make you blush, events of last night coming to surface once more.

Last night, when you told him you were falling for him, you meant it. You both slept peacefully, aside from the fact that every now and again, Shawn would wake you up for more, kissing your exposed skin and pulling the sheets down, hands and lips roaming at free will. He made love to you before the sunrise, and right before you went back to bed, he kissed you deeply and told you that he was happy and thankful that he moved next door to you in the first place.

All of this makes you feel like you're in a relationship again - which, yes, technically you were. It particularly made you feel like spoiling him, which is exactly what you were going to do.

You quickly made his bed before gathering your things and heading next door to your house to shower and change, then head out. You run to the grocery store first, picking up a few things for dinner before making a quick stop to your favorite lingerie store where you pick up a new set - baby pink and complete with lace.

You haven't had a boyfriend in awhile and your favorite thing to do when you had one was spoil them with food, as well as naked pictures or pictures of you in lingerie.

And from what you've seen from Shawn, he is definitely the kind of guy who loves that shit.

It's not till a couple of hours later when you're in his kitchen that you text him Dinner will be ready when you get home

And another And so will dessert accompanied with a winky face, and a picture of you in your new set. It's a mirror photo, you face absent and the picture focused on your body.

It's not even a minute later when Shawn replies, On my way home now. Don't change.


When Shawn walks through his door, the aroma that fills his nose is intoxicating, can smell steak and cheese and pasta, and even hints of chocolate. His stomach growls in response, and his feet carry him to the kitchen, where you're standing at the stove, stirring at a pot, in the gorgeous set he saw earlier in your photos.

Photos which he now had saved in a locked album in his phone.

You turn to face him when he enters the kitchen, a wide smile gracing your face, and he smiles in return, tossing his keys and phone onto the counter, crossing the space in three strides and cupping your face in his hands, tilting your head back to press his lips against yours in a needy kiss. Your arms wind themselves around his waist, pulling him against you as close as possible.

He groans low and deep in his chest, the feeling of your soft skin under his fingers something he wants to engrave in his memory forever.

"Shawn," you murmur, trying to pull back to stir the risotto but he won't give up, lips chasing after yours desperately.

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