Should of stayed in bed.

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One early morning, when the sun was barely above the mountains in the horizon, a young boy named Craig Tucker walked out of his house into the cold air.

"Hmmm, I wonder what everyone is doing today." I said, so I stared walking over to my friends' houses, thinking they would be awake at 5:30 am. The first house I went to was my friend Clyde's, just as I was about to knock the front door swung open. "Hey watch what you're doing dumb ass!" I yelled very rudely, because Clyde's front door swings outwards instead of inwards. In the door way stood a very upset Mosquito, which is Clyde's super hero identity and the reason he is upset is that I called him a dumb ass. He quickly perked up and shouted a bit "Hello, dear citizen it is I Mosquito" "Buzz!" I shook my head in disappointment, told him to shut up a bit and asked what he was doing. "Oh, well all of the super heroes were called, because something happened in town, but it's not on the news yet. So The Coon decided to call a meeting so we can get on the news and then people will know about us." Oh, I thought how come I wasn't called. I mean I am a super hero too, but not that I care. "He really called you at 5:30, he normally doesn't wake up till 8:25." I said the word 'you' as rudely as possible. "Well, by 'called everyone' he really just woke me up to get everyone and meet at his house, by 9:30." Wow I can, believe that I mean Cartman/The Coon is biggest jack-ass I have ever known. "Well I'm already up so let's go get Wonder Tweek, since I'm sure he is awake." Is he really just standing there, because I want to get Tweek before anyone else. "Hurry up or you can tell The Coon to fire you." "Coming!" Hehe, that worked.

                                                                ~Le' time skip a few hours later~

"Hey Coon were here!!!" Screamed Mosquito though out Cartman's house. Then there was a scream from the basement in reply. "I'm down here you lazy bitches!" So when we went down stairs we saw are arch rival on the T.V screen. "GAH! Prof. Chaos!!!" Screeched Wonder Tweek. "Hey clam down Honey." I said calmly, although fairly annoyed. If one more person yells I. Am. Leaving. "Ok Coon and friends, let's go stop Prof. Chaos. Get on the news. Then be famous.!" All of us rolled our eyes at The Coon, but eh who cares at this point. When we finally got to where Prof. Chaos was, he was of course prepared for us. "Ha ha ha, welcome Coon and friends, to your doom!" Boomed Prof. Chaos. "Grr, come on you guys I want to get home in time to watch some Red Racer!" "Oh ho ho, looks like your losing one of your strongest team mate Super Craig!" Laughed Chaos. Oi, this guy is going to get it. Before anyone knew what happened we were fighting Chaos, and that's when we found out what he was doing. "Guys he is trying to steal peoples mail!" Said Mint Berry Crunch. I personally thought he could have done worse, but eh we are only 9-10. After 5 minutes of not paying attention, I saw that Prof. Chaos was tackled on the floor. "Aw shoot, bu-b-buddy's, I don't want a black e-eye." Whimpered Prof. Chaos. He wasn't faking a voice so I guess he was done being Chaos and back to being Butters. And was done playing. That's when Mosquito yelled at The Coon, because we weren't on the news, and we defiantly weren't famous.

                                                                  ~Le' time skip night time~

Great now my parents were going to mad that I got home so late, but I saw a note that said they were leaving for the weekend and that I had to watch my little sister Trisha. At least I got to hang out with my friends and that was my main goal today. "Hey, Craig can you make me diner, because I'm too lazy." "Ugh, fine!" I said quick and sharp, because I was ready to go to bed. It took about 5 minutes worth of arguing with her before we flipped each other off and chose to have Turkey sandwiches. After that I went to bed without watching any Red Racer!

                                                                                  The end

I hope you all enjoyed my little story, sorry if its not super accurate with the characters, but I tried. Please tell me what I can do to make my writing better. Have a great day, peace!

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