Pick Me (NSFW)

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Working in the lumber yard wasn't exactly a glamorous job, but it was what it was and it did have some perks. Well one, to be precise. That perk's name was Viktor Drago. Most everyone you worked with was scared of him. After all he was a fighter, a Drago and even though people didn't really respect the name anymore, they did still fear it.

But that's not what you saw when you looked at him. He was always so soft when he talked to you, he never yelled or even swore around you, he was always polite; you would even go so far as to say soft spoken for the most part.

You two had become friends since you started working together. He would even come over to your apartment from time to time to talk and have a drink or two but it was always casual and seemingly platonic. He usually just needed to get away from his father and you were more than happy to keep him company.

Despite all that you were still surprised when he showed up at your door piss drunk on a Friday night. You were coming back from a blind date that had gone very poorly and he was standing still but swaying side to side with his forehead against the door.

"Viktor?" You questioned, putting your phone back in your purse.

"Heeyyyyyy!" He slurred, throwing his hands in the air as he stumbled toward you.

"What are you doing here? I told you I had plans tonight." You placed your hands on his chest to steady him as he continued to drunkenly sway.

"I know, I know." He whispered. "I'm sorry. But I needed to ask you something."

You could smell the vodka on his breath as he leaned in close.

"Okay, okay, let's just get you inside." You moved slowly so he could keep up as you guided him inside your apartment.

Once inside you took him over to your couch where you sat him down.

"I'm going to go get you some food and water, stay here okay?" You walked away slowly, making sure he stayed put.

You pulled your leftovers from your date out of the to-go bag and grabbed a fork and a bottle of water. All you could do was hope this would be enough to sober him up a little. You set the items down on the coffee table in front of him and told him to take them. He drank the water quickly but didn't seem interested in the food.

"So what did you want to ask me?" You asked while sitting down next to him.

"Do you hate me?" He slurred, his head lolling back to rest on the back of the couch.

"What are you talking about? Where is this coming from?" You grabbed his shoulder and shook him back awake.

"I lost the fight." His eyes looked sad as he finally peered over at you.

"What fight? The one against Creed?" You were so confused by everything he was saying.

He nodded in response.

"Viktor I don't care about that. You being a good fighter isn't the reason I'm your friend." You reached up and cupped the side of his face and he leaned into your touch and closed his eyes. "Why would you think that would have any effect on our relationship?"

"My mother left us when my father lost." He mumbled.

You froze when you realized what he said. You knew she wasn't around for him but you never knew why. He didn't really like talking about his home situation and you didn't push.

"Viktor, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Your voice was barely above a whisper.

Viktor started to lean forward, his body weight finally overtaking you, his drunken form basically deadweight on top of you. He wrapped his large arms around you and his head rested on your chest as you both lay on couch together.

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