Act Natural

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He didn't know what she was planning and she wasn't sharing details. That unnerved him. Ieyasu watched her carefully as she laid out her clothes that night, trying to measure what she might do.

"So what's the idea?"

"You'll see," was all she said. The cheer in her voice was almost unsettling.

"Is it gonna be stupid?"

"Am I ever?"

"Look, seriously." Ieyasu flopped onto the cabin bed and watched her pace. "Tell me what you're going to do."

If she even heard him, he didn't know. She settled down onto the bed beside him and pet his head. "You're just gonna have to trust me."

She had him there. He scowled so deep that he realized this was how Hideyoshi got his signature eyebrow crease, and she leaned in and pressed a sweet smooch between his eyes. "I'm the expert here, not you."

"I do believe you're their forensics man, not a field agent, sir."

His blood pulsed uncomfortably. "Don't call me that."

Too late. No amount of petulance would dissuade her now. Her mouth curved in a knowing smirk. "Orrrr?"

"Or–" Ieyasu scrambled for cover. "Look, don't be weird."

"Did you like it?"

He scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous."

"Oh, you liked it. I'm sorry, Sir. Should I stop?"

That was the stupid thing about fetishes. You never knew when you had one until it put you squarely on the spot. He writhed under her stare, studying every nook and cranny of the cabin with laser intent as if it might save him from her questioning. "I don't recall saying that."

"Sorry, Sir. I won't take guesses anymore."

Damnit. She looked so very kissable; the catlike curve of her lips and sparkle of her eyes looked like a heaven he could reach out and taste. Despite himself he reached out and threaded a single finger through the silky locks of her hair, watching it spill over his knuckles.

"You're not being very good right now," he mumbled tentatively.

Oh. Her whole expression bloomed with curious desire.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"No you're not. Not really. Get on my lap."

He didn't wait for her to register the command before he looped his fingers through her belthooks and dragged her on top of him. Her thighs radiated volcanic heat to the core of him, her body curved along his, her mouth hovering between surprise and desire. God. He'd had something like control before this, but now? Ieyasu closed his lips on her collarbone, measuring the length of her shoulder with his mouth and tongue. She tightened against him tellingly.


"I told you, you've been bad."

"Is this what I get?" Her laughter was a strangled huff of delight. "I'm sorry, Sir."

"I didn't hear that," he snarled. Undoing her shirt with one hand, he closed his teeth on the curve of her neck and she yelped.

"I'm sorry, Sir."


"I'm suh-suh-suh–oh!"

Her jeans separated with ease. He flung them across the room and took two firm handfuls of her thighs (god, and they were so glorious, so beautiful and full and womanly). The sound she made was ungodly. Despite himself he ground his hips upwards into hers.

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