random (warning)

452 12 6

Self harm warning. This is the first time I've ever wrote something so sensitive. Please forgive me.

I looked in the mirror, blood running down my arm from where I had just cut myself with a razor blade. This wasn't the normal for me but lately I had been feeling horrible. I didn't know what had gotten in to me.

*john approaches the hotel room*

I walk towards Brian's hotel room. We had been on tour and we're getting ready to head back home. I open the door and walk in. I see Brian in the bathroom holding a razor blade. Freaking out, I run over to him.

I take the razor blade.

"Brian are you okay?"

He looks at me.

"I-I really don't know."

"Please don't ever do this again." I clean the cuts he had made, bandaging his arms.

The whole time I was doing this, I had to think about why Brian might have done this. I decided not to ask, just because that was the kind of person I was.

Later on, I was with Freddie and Roger at a diner. I see Brian walk up. "Hey Brian!" Said Roger.

*Brian pov*
I respond quietly with a hello, still quite shook up about earlier and how John did that sort of thing for me. We weren't very close but we were like family, so you could say we were. Anytime I saw him, my heart skipped beats.

Maybe I had some sort of feelings for him?

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