Story 3: Holidays

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Last few days were hard on Jen. When she heard that the show which was so close to her heart was ending, she could not concentrate on anything. She had to take a break from social media and close herself out as the pain was heavy. It is not that it was her first show, but it was special for her. It was not just an amazing story but also her friend's dream. Jen gave her best to portray the character in the show and it was close to her heart. Even in sadness Jen knew that all good things come to an end and hence she tried to make peace with it. But she also knew in her heart that she would miss everything about the show. The cast, the set, the crew but most importantly she knew that she would miss Harsh, her favourite co-star. She would miss the time she could spend with him, the hours that stretched so long but felt as most beautiful because he was with her. Jen's heart sank as she knew there would not be such times in near future and in her deep heart she wished if she could pause time when the last day of shoot happened and replay the last eight months again and again.

Harsh was sad. He loved the show, he loved his character. He also loved the time he spent on sets, the time he spent with Jen. She is one of a kind. He had never met a girl like her. Her maturity and childlike innocence went hand in hand. He loved how considerate and kind she is, how intelligent and caring she is. Everything about her made him happy. He was sure that they will keep in touch even after the show ended, because they loved each other. But they would not be able to rehearse or act together anymore. Jen and Harsh had not made their relationship public but their fans somehow already figured it out. But they were not ready to open up about the relationship status until now. It will take time and they will announce it, but, for now, they remained silent.

Jen was sitting on a chair near the balcony watching the sunset. Breeze was wandering in the main hall. She wanted to see Harsh and talk to him and run away with him to some far away land and just remain there forever hidden from everyone else. Jen was looking at the sunset when she received a message. She checked her phone and she saw a screenshot of two tickets to Scotland. It was sent by Harsh. Jen could not believe her eyes. Scotland was her favourite place and Harsh remembered that and is taking her there. Jen's eyes welled up. It was a beautiful feeling to be remembered, to be loved, to be cared and its more beautiful when it is done by the person whom you love the most in this world.

Jen woke up excited that morning though the flight was at night. She arranged everything then rearranged everything. She was sad that she would not be able to take Breeze along and must leave him with a caretaker. Harsh was more excited than his normal self. He is excited about anything that has to do with Jen. Like going out with her, doing an interview with her, watching the night sky with her, like anything and everything. She was all that he needed to smile, all that he needed to stay happy. Jen's presence made his heart feel content.

The airport was not very crowded. Jen and Harsh reached the airport one hour before the flight. They went in two different cars and did not meet each other till boarding time. They wanted to keep their relationship away from media attention. They wanted to live normal lives, at least their love life without news reports and paparazzi. Jen and Harsh boarded the flight and Harsh got the window seat which he gave to Jen as she loved them. They sat in the flight like two strangers for some time. Jen watched the night sky through the window and Harsh listened to music. After some time, Jen kept her hand on the armrest and Harsh slowly placed his hand on the hers and they intertwined their fingers. It was a beautiful feeling to be like that, to feel each other's skin. Even a soft touch was comforting. Later Jen fell asleep on Harsh's shoulder and he watched her face for a long time until he fell asleep as well.

Scotland is a beautiful place. It is Jen's favourite place in the world and that is the reason Harsh chose this place. They landed in Edinburgh and checked in to Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh - The Caledonian. Harsh had booked two rooms for both. He got the keys and led Jen to the seventh floor. He handed over the key to Jen's room to her and the bellman kept her luggage in her room. Harsh went inside Jen's room to make sure everything was fine, and he asked her to rest and went to his room. He stayed near Jen's door for a few seconds and Jen felt as though she wanted to kiss him, but she did not kiss him, nor did he kiss her. Maybe, it was not the right time. Maybe they must wait till that perfect moment to take their relationship to the next level. Now they were more than friends and totally in love, but getting closer than holding hands was something they waited since a longtime.

Jen rested the entire day, so did Harsh. They had dinner together in the evening. There was food in the hotel's restaurant, but they wanted to enjoy the evening breeze and the beautiful Edinburgh sky. They walked through the roads watching people and cars that passed by. They ate street food and wandered without a destination. The night sky was full of stars and the city was busy at the late hours as well. Harsh and Jen held hands and sat on the grass in a park which was open till early morning. The fountain there had a cherub and it was huge and there were lights in its sides and the water changed colours in their reflection which was an amazing sight.

The next few days, Jen and Harsh visited a lot of places. The Edinburgh Castle, Loch Ness but found no monster though Jen low key thought she would see one this time. They went to Loch Lomond, Old Town and so many other places. It was a whole two weeks tour and Harsh wanted to cover maximum places but also wanted to enjoy every place and every moment. On the second last day of their tour they went to a place called The Storr. It was a rocky hill and had a long climb. Harsh helped Jen up the hill. They did not go all the way up. There were many tourists as well. They stayed on the hill for some time and watched the valley and the green grass and red soil stretching like eternity. It was ethereal. There was a lake in the place and reflected the sky and the changing clouds. It was heavenly to behold. Jen watched the beauty. Though she had seen the place before, with Harsh the place had a whole new beauty and the moment had a whole new meaning. She watched the sky and then looked at Harsh. She saw him looking at her. She blushed, and he blushed too. Harsh smiled and Jen smiled back. They looked at each other's eyes and moved closer. Jen touched Harsh's face, he looked into her eyes and then to her lips. Both Jen and Harsh knew that it was the moment. They closed their eyes and let that kiss happen. The kiss that was waiting since a year. The kiss that was confused when to grace their lips, that kiss happened, and it felt like paradise.

Jen and Harsh knew in their heart that it was meant to happen, they were meant to be. The place, the moment, it was not something that they chose but it happened there. The feeling was something they could not explain, the feeling of finally reaching were you want to be, of finding that thing that you were searching your entire lifetime. The Kiss was the same. They found what both were searching for, the one thing that made them whole, the one thing that made the most sense, their love for each other.


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