"SCARLET!!! Get up the moving truck is going to be here soon.",dad's stupid whore called out. What a way to wake up note the sarcasm. I can't stand that stupid bimbo she's like 20 something trying to be my mom. I should probably start by introducing myself and explaining this bullshit. My name's Scarlet Rain I'm a 17 year old senior, I have hazel eyes, black hair, and my nose, tongue, and up and down both my ears is pierced oh and I also have spider bites. I'm supposed to be moving to Detroit to be closer to the bimbo's family oh yeah her name is Nikki not that it's important anyway but dad decided since him and her now have two children together it'd be nice to be closer to her family. Ughhh he's like 50 and has a 2 year old and a 6 month old with her that neither of them actually take care of I take care if them it's complete bullshit I have better things to do I'm a teenager for fucks sakes. "It's time to leave. Hurry up let's go Scarlet!!" " Oh my god dad I'm coming chill the fuck out!!" "Scarlet you shouldn't speak to your father that way" See what I'm saying. This slut is trying to be my mom when she can't even raise her own kids. What the fuck makes her think she can raise me? "Shut the hell up Nikki!!You're not my mom you can't tell me what to do!!!" "SCARLET!!",both of them screeched at the same time. Ugh I'm so done with them. This is my cue to walk away.
One three hour car ride later and we're at the new house it's a two story house with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. When we get there I grab all of my boxes and my 2 suit cases and bring them up to my room. Of course it took like 3 trips but I got it done. It was already 5o'clock and I was fucking starving I should've ate today. Maybe I can order a pizza. Dammit!! I don't have any money...but dad does *cue evil laughter*. "DAAAAADDDD!!! I'm ordering a pizza!! Okay? Okay. Thanks oh and you're paying for it." " Scarlet, what'd I tell you about asking permission first?", He asks. " Seriously? it's just a pizza. You act like I'm buying a car. Jesus." People these days they need to learn to chill the fuck out. Time to order the pizza! One 15 minute phone call later and the pizzas are on their way. Gahhh! I need skittles those things are more addicting than crack. They're my candy addiction I always have them stashed away. "SISSYY!!!" Dammit he saw me. Ughhh I can't ignore that little booger he's just so cute with his little 2 year old self! "Yes,Abel?" "Can I have candy?" Shit! Now I have to share my skittles. I wish I could say no to his little baby face. Ughhh! "Yes Abie. I'll go get the skittles then we can share them,okay?" "OKAAYYY THANKSIES SISSYY" "Abie quiet down you don't want your mom yelling at you.",I scolded him I felt bad for it but his mom's always a bitch about him bring loud," Now come on we'll go find the skittles." When we walk into the room the first thing I notice is it 5:32. Shouldn't the pizza be here already? Gosh...now which box did I put my skittles in? After looking through 2 boxes I found my delicious skittles. "Here Abie,but you can only have a couple right now because the pizza should be here any minute now." Gahh I want pizza! Ohmigosh I just heard the doorbell the pizzas here!!! YESSS!! "I'll get it!" I screamed while running to the front door. When I finally got there and swung the door open there in all its mighty cheesy pizzy glory was the pizza oh and the guy holding it but he's not important. I couldn't help myself so I yanked the pizza out of his hands replacing it with the money of course and for some reason I couldn't stop myself from yelling at him for taking so damn long ,but I really don't care about the stupid guy anyway so it doesn't matter. With the pizza in hand i walked into the kitchen and set the pizza down grabbed a couple pieces and ran to my room to unpack. I was going to have to unpack sometime anyway I might as well do it while eating my delicious pizza. After about 10 minutes into unpacking I had already finished my food how sad. I started with shoving all of my clothes into my dresser that had been already dropped off and then hanging the nicer clothes, after doing that I placed all my little...what are the called knick knacks? doodads? ehh I give up I'll just call them small items around and then I put all my posters and other stuff off to the side for tomorrow I need a nap right now.
This is my first ever story...well unless you count that one I wrote in 2nd grade about dinosaur princesses. I'm not that good at writing so it's not going to be very good but I decided why not try something new I love reading so shouldn't writing be kinda easy. Ehh probably not...but whatever I'll live. This story doesn't really have any plans so I'll be figuring it out along the way(my writing teacher would be so ashamed) it might even turn into something entirely different from the description we'll just have to wait and see.
Byee my babes
My Emo Badboy
RomanceWhen Scarlet Rain moves to Detroit she knows things are going to change ,but is she ready for the changes that come when she meets Coleson Blaine. Coleson is your stereotypical bad boy he's in a gang , he's a player and doesn't give two shits about...