Chapter 31 - Reunited

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*One Week Later*

Jade's POV:

From: My angel♥

Hey babe, I just exited the plane :) Where you at? Can't wait to see your beautiful face xx

To: My angel♥

I'm inside ;) waiting for you cutie♥

From: My angel♥

Yey! See ya soon baby xx

I smiled and threw my phone into my purse. Perrie is finally here! My tour ends in two days and I'm planning on surprising her on the last day of my tour, with Darcy's and Caitlin's help.

"Aw your smiling! Did she text you anything cheesy?", Sam asked me.

"No", I stuck my tongue out at her and she chuckled. "I'm just so happy she's back". I'll be able to hug and kiss her again, to stare into her blue eyes, to-"

"Jade!", a familliar voice interrupted my thoughts, "Jade, Sam!".

I grinned widely, "Perrie!", I stood up and run to my girlfriend's direction.

"I missed you so much", I said and she hugged me.

"Oh you have no idea about how much I missed you!", she told me.

"I'm glad you made it!"

"How could I not come? You're the bestest friend and girlfriend anyone could've asked for! I can't stand being away from you.."

"Aww Perrie", I cooed, "That's exactly how I feel about you!".

"Glad to know that", she smiled and kissed my lips softly.


More flashes.

Paparazzi spotted us!

"How the hell did they find me now? I even took a different car!", I hissed.

"It's fine, Jade. It'll end the rumors", Perrie whispered in my ear.

"Hey Perrie", Sam greeted my girlfriend.

"Hi Sam!", she smiled, "You didn't have to come".

"Oh I know but I love seing you two lovebirds together you're always so cute and fluffy"

I giggled, "Thanks Sam".

"No need to thank me, it's a fact!", she winked at Jade, "Now are you two ladies ready to go?".

"Sure", I smiled grabbing Perrie's left hand, her suitcase on my right one.

"Hey you don't have to carry this, I can do it myself", she told me, pointing at her luggage.

"No s'okay babe", I smiled at her.

"Let's go now Jerrie", Sam told us.

As we exited the building the paps' flashes blinded us. Perrie and I's relationship is even more famous now after the cheating rumors.

"Hey Perrie did you really cheat on Jade?"

"Perrie, Jade smile for me!"

"How was your flight Perrie?"

"Jade did you cheat on Perrie too as a revenge?

"Jade how do you feel now that your girlfriend cheated on you with Zayn Malik?"

"Perrie you denied everything on twitter, but how can you confirm it?"

"You know what guys", Perrie stopped walking, "I didn't cheat on Jade. I would never ever cheat on her. I love her too much to hurt her like that. And I'd never cheat on her with Zayn Malik. Zayn was a total asshole to me at the club, he asked me to have sex and when I told him that I have a girlfriend which I love with all my heart, he tried to make me agree by telling me it'd be just a quick one night stand. Not that I would care or want to do anything serious with him. Directioners, I can't deny that he is a charming lad and that maybe deep inside he really does care about his fans and people in need but right now, you should be ashamed to call him your idol. That's not a way to treat any human being. Maybe in another life, if I wasn't gay and crazy in love with Jade I would date him. Date him. Not just have sex with him one night just because he was horny. I doupt if he even knows what really love is. Just like another lad from One Direction. You know who you are. I feel sorry for you, Zayn and.... Everyone, please stop hating on me or Jade because of our relationship. Even If I cheated on her it's none of your damn bussiness! I know that you care about your idol but don't believe everything you read okay? A massive thank you to all the people out there for supporting us but most of all, thanks for minding your own bussiness. Why would you tweet me rude stuff about me prefering Zayn' know than my girlfriend' And to you rude fans or people from other fandoms out there, how do you feel after hating on a person that did nothing to you! You don't know us and you don't know about us so what's the point of you hating on us because of our sexuality and personal life? Let's go loves", she said to Sam and I with a smile.

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