Chapter Four

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Elijah had insisted she drink more of his blood, despite her insisting she was fine. When they had both calmed down a bit Elijah helped her to his bathroom.

She was quiet, her eyes glancing everywhere but at him.

He turned the shower on and waited for the water to get hot, then faced Y/N, her eyes cast to the floor and her hands clasped in front of her. She looked like a small child for a moment, unsure and scared.

"I'll just wait outside," he offered politely.

She nodded and thanked him as he left the room. She glanced at the mirror, her makeup smudged around her eyes, her hair a wreck.

Her favorite dress was ruined, bloodstains cascading down the front, a stark contrast to the teal fabric.

Tears began to well up, and she turned the sink faucet on for more noise so she could cry in peace.

She knew exactly what had happened back in the library. She could only assume Davina had placed the barrier spell so she and Elijah would be forced into close quarters, making it easier for everything to be reversed.

It turned out all of her emotions flooding her at once was just as painful as getting them stripped away.

And the few weeks of contentment she had didn't erase her heartbreak at all. It only put it on pause.

The sheer force of it flooding her was almost too much for her to bear.

Her shoulders sagged and she held herself up, her knuckles paled as she gripped the edge of the sink for support. She took deep breaths until she calmed and straightened up.

She turned off the sink and reached behind her to unzip her dress.

"Of course," she muttered under her breath as she struggled with the clasp. She sighed and dropped her hands in defeat. She quickly ran her fingers through her hair and wiped under her eyes before cracking the bathroom door open.

Elijah sat up from the bed immediately.

"Umm, can you," she gestured to the zipper.

He swallowed and nodded. "Of course."

She stepped back to the mirror, and Elijah approached carefully. His eyes met hers in their reflection and she looked away quickly.

His hands moved her hair from her back gently, and she pulled it over her shoulder to give him a better access. He traced the outline from her shoulder blades down to where it dipped and the zipper rested.

He watched in the mirror as her skin flushed. He pulled at the zipper gently, trailing it down to the base of her spine, just above her backside.

She cleared her throat. "Thank you," she said softly.

"I'll get you something to change into," he offered.

She smiled softly and nodded, and he left her, shutting the door quietly behind him.

When she was sure he had gone, she removed the dress. She didn't bother saving it, there was far too much blood, so she tossed it in the trash.

She stepped into the familiar shower, letting the heat of the spray wash away the evening. All of her shower products were still lined up as if she had never left and her chest clenched. It had been months, and he hadn't had the heart to throw them away. It was as though he was waiting for her to come back.

Y/N reached for Elijah's soap, opening the cap and pulling the familiar scent. God, she had missed him. She washed with it, letting herself get lost in his world for a little while longer, wondering if he'd mind or even notice.

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