Chapter 1: Huge deal

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   I'm Celia and I work at a company that works/deals and sells technology called "The delion" which works with other technology companies such as Apple,Samsung,and etc. I actually don't really work with the whole boss area. Actually I am a "receptionist" and actually one the three "receptionist" in this company. You may be asking why is that a big deal. Well it's big deal because it a huge deal because of the importance of the company I help with 4 of the 12 branches. The funny thing is that I thought this was just you know...Like one of those companies. I actually got into this job by accident. I just needed a part-time job to pay off my college debt, and I found this company and it was hiring and I decided to sign up and I did the interview and everything and 2 weeks later they said I got the job they said to come in and we can go over everything. I agreed and we met and talked and all that stuff. While we were talking they kept mentioning that I was one of the 3 "receptionist" and explained to that my job is really important because...I help with convincing and working with other companies while I "manage" the 4 branches. At that moment I knew I messed up because this was going to take a lot effort and well I dropped out of college because this job actually has a salary of at least $200,000 a year. I was confused on how I got in and they told me that it was because of all the clubs and sport that I lead in highschool and how my gpa was higher than 4.0. Now I work full time for this company and yeah that's basically it about me.

  No you must be thinking why did you just tell us all that? Well it's because this is my 3 month in and the company thinks that I should convince one of the big technology companies to work with us and well IM TERRIFIED. I keep telling them it's better to give to one of the other 2 because they have better experience in that than I do, but they keep saying I need to prove my worth. They're coming in today so I have everything ready and I've been practicing this for a while now so hopefully I'll be ready. This presentation is more detailed than my usual ones because this company is a huge deal so I have to give it my all. The presentation is at 6 in the afternoon and that's in 2 hours the company actually comes at 5 so I can give them a quick tour of the building. So  I decided to take a nap until then so I went to one the quiet rooms with beds to sleep in. 

  I had just woken up to the alarm. I had 30 minutes to get all my stuff ready so I went and did that. I had finished and one of the helpers came and told me that  they're here. I asked her to take me to them. And so she went to show me. I saw a group of men standing in black suits so I walked over to them and asked if they were the company and they answered yes and I introduced myself. I shook hands with all of the men the main man out of the group was actually the head boss of the company and well he seemed way younger than I had expected. He had a strong jaw form. He had piercing deep blue ocean eyes, he had these massive shoulders and about 6 inches taller than I am. In all honesty he was intimidating. He was actually 28 and he had asked me to call him Derek. So I did that out of respect. And this is when my tour began. I had shown them the branches that I helped out with and the other few. Derek kept looking at me as if I had said something wrong and well that shook me down a bit. I was so nervous that I began to make crappy jokes and I do that when I'm nervous.

 Derek stopped me from talking and asked a question "Celia have you ever done one of these meetings?" 

I was a little offended so I answered it with "I have Done many of these so this is not my first one, if that is what you were asking" obviously lying, I forgot to leave the tone out because it showed I was a little offended. 

He smirked and replied with "well I guess now it's ntime the presentation am I correct?" I grinned with slight jaw clenching because of his stupid smug face. I nodded and lead the way. We reached the room and they took a seat while I took my stuff out ready to go. The helper from before brought drinks for the men. 

  My presentation was 45 minutes long and it took 25 minutes to get all their questions and then the meeting ended and well I have to say it's like all the other small company meetings except more nerve racking. The men asked if they could have 30 minutes alone so they could talk about it. 

I agreed and before I left Derek says "that was really good by the way, so you weren't kidding about doing these type of stuff" I nodded with a smug face and walked out. 

My Best friend Fiona of course was waiting for me. She walked up to me and asked "oh my god who is the fucking hottie" I looked at her with "really" face. 

I replied with "the dude with blue eyes" she nodded yes so I continued "well he's the boss of the company and he's an ass" she giggled. We went on talking until it was time to go check in and know the final decision. So I went in and they all were standing collecting their things.

 Derek looked up and walked towards me and reached out his hand and said "it will be a pleasure to work with you" I went and shook his hand with wide eyes and a huge stupid grin. He wasn't intimidating at that moment because now we have a deal. He handed me the papers with the signatures and everything. The men left except Derik instead he closed the door and the plastic blind folds which scared me. Derik was now terrifying because his face had this bored but mad serious face. "Celia  now that we are a connected company I expect more of this company so if you want to keep the contract..." he stops and trails off he walks towards me and I take an inch backwards every time he walks towards me. At this moment I had realized what he meant.

 I nodded no "This is not exceptional I will tell-"

he cuts me off and says "I won't hurt you unless I have to so you better not think we'll let your company take over our company...I know your companies history but you must know ours as well." I nodded because I knew what this company is capable of and well we have more dark secrets like how we work with the mafia and his company does the same. He took a look at me one more time before he walked out. I went back to my normal breathing pattern.

I went to my car and put in my keys. Today was a really mentally tiring work day. I turned the switch and the car started and I began to drive to my apartment. I reached my apartment and took the keys for the apartment and unlocked my door. I went to the kitchen to make my self a small meal. 

I was sitting in the couch and my phone rang so I picked up. It was my mom. "Celia I need to talk to tomorrow" she sounded serious.

"Mom I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow" I answered with a slight whine 

"Celia this is serious your dad and I want to talk to you about something really important" 

"Fine but I'll come in the afternoon-" I was cut off before I could finish my sentence.

"Celia this is important I need you to come in the morning...please."she said in the most deathening tone I have ever heard. She hung up. Guess I have go in the morning.

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