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Can you help me?

My heart, it doesn't work.

It falls in love too easily,

And always ends up hurt.

Can you help me?

My voice, it doesn't work.

It won't let me share my feelings,

It's too much of a coward.

Can you help me?

My mind, it doesn't work.

It makes me feel so lonely,

Like I've got nowhere left to turn.

Can you help me?

Myself, I do not work.

I've loved this girl for two years,

But I still cannot tell her.

Can you help me?

I'll pay you back, I swear.

I just need to borrow some confidence,

So I can tell her that I care.

Sooooo, yeah. By now you guys have probably guessed that I can't write happy poems. As I explained to one of my friends, I just automatically (and usually accidentally) make all my poems sad. Eg: This poem. I was like, let's write a poem about my crush, and then my brain says,"That's a great idea! Don't forget the part about you being so scared to ask her out, that she will never know that you like her!" Also, sorry for the unofficial hiatus, I had no inspiration for poems.

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