Chapter. 1

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Jiho sighed as he looked at the other side of his class, where his best friend was sitting. It was so, extremely boring. Literature had always been boring, but now that the stupid teacher had forced Kyung to sit far away from Jiho, it was much worse.

He looked at the clock once more, waiting for the class to end, but time didn't seem to pass.  Without even noticing, he stared at his best friend, waiting for him to turn and see him, to get something, anything, at least a smile.

"...Right, Woo Jiho?" The teacher was suddenly right in front of his desk, and he hadn't even seen her.

"Y-yes. Yes. Of course." Jiho gave her a soft smile, getting nervous. He had no idea what the teacher was talking about, at all.

"I know you miss him, but stop staring at him. Or I will end up moving you to other class," she commented with a sigh, and the rest of the class just laughed.
Jiho looked down, blushing all the way to his ears. Was it really that obvious? How much he wanted to be close to Kyung, how much he missed him, how much he needed that smile for his days to be brighter? He knew that what he felt wasn't just friendship. Of course he knew it. But he also knew that friendship was the only thing he would get from Kyung, nothing else. And that's what really bothered him, to need him /so much/.

"You're not children anymore, so please. Let's keep going with Shakespeare," she said as he went back to the front of the class and kept explaining.
She was right. Kyung would be seventeen soon, and he would turn seventeen as well in September. For the fifth time that hour he sighed and bit his lip. He had to stop seeing him that way.

Kyung was just his best friend, and he knew it was all he would ever be.


It felt like /ages/ but the hour finally arrived and Jiho picked up his things. Another useless class, thinking about how handsome was his stupid best friend. Great, Jiho.  Of course. You're improving. At least he didn't have a boner this time.

"I know I'm very handsome, but you should listen to what the teacher says. We don't want you to get another F." Kyung wrapped an arm around Jiho's shoulders and shook his head.

"Fuck, I know. I know. I was just...thinking about something else. I wasn't looking at you, idiot," Jiho sighed as he bit his lip.

"Yeah? What exactly were you thinking about, then?" Kyung asked with that stupid smile.

"Doesn't matter, okay? Seriously, I was thinking about something else and that bitch always finds an excuse to bother me." Jiho shook his head as they kept walking outside. At least it had been their last class today and they could head back home.

"Okay, okay. Don't get mad! I didn't do anything." Kyung squeezed his shoulder before moving away to keep walking. "So, how are you doing with Maths? The test is in three days," he casually asked.

Jiho closed his eyes for a second. The day couldn't get any worse, right?
"Awful. You should know that. I suck at maths too, remember?"

"I told you to ask me if you needed help, idiot. Come on, you can come over to my house and I'll help you. You'll get an A!" Kyung said with a smile as he patted his back. "We'll study as much as you need to."

Jiho couldn't help but smile. His best friend was after all, always there for him. 
"You sure you don't mind? Your mum will end up thinking I live there as well."

And it was true. Jiho spent many evenings at the Park's house: Studying, playing video games, watching films, and sometimes....nothing at all, just enjoying each other's company. Kyung also knew that his situation at home wasn't the best at the moment, and that's why he never minded to invite him over.

He often stayed over the night as well, they had a spare room and the family was more than pleased to have him there. Oh, that spare room. That bed knew all his dirty thoughts about Kyung. What could you expect? Spending the whole night next to Kyung and then sleeping peacefully without a proper wank? Definitely not. 

"You know I don't, Jiho. Don't worry, hm? We can go pick whatever you need at your house, and then go back to mine," Kyung suggested.

Jiho nodded as they made their way home. Luckily they lived close enough to their school to come back walking, and to be honest, sometimes it was Jiho's favourite part of the day. Just the two of them, talking, joking, just...that. Just being them, without anybody else, no judging. Or at least that was the idea.

"Be careful Jiho, you won't even pass a single test if you spend the whole class looking at your boyfriend!" Namjoon, another guy from their class said as he passed along with his bike, a couple of friends following him and laughing.

Jiho tried to stay calm, because those words /did/ affect him. Of course they did. They were always teasing him, and that really made him ask himself if he was that obvious, of if there were just stupid, innocent jokes.

"They're just joking, Jiho. Don't be like that! It's not like I would be a bad boyfriend or something like that. I would be quite good"

"You're a freak" Jiho said with a chuckle as he sticked out his tongue.

"Idiot" Kyung pushed him with a laugh and shook his head. "I meant it! I could be a great boyfriend, If anybody wanted to date me"

Me. I want to. Jiho was dying to scream, but he knew he couldn't.

"Come on, don't say that. You just have to find the right person" Jiho smiled.

They kept talking and arrived to Jiho's house. He looked at the clock as he bit his lip "Dad is probably asleep. But just in case, stay here" he said before he got into the house. He picked up his things quickly, and almost ran out of the house. "Jiho?" He heard a voice calling him, so he carefully got out and almost pushed Kyung "Come on, come on. Let's go" Jiho rushed him and they started to run towards Kyung's house.
Everything at home was difficult. He even had spare clothes at Kyung's house,  but that was for a real emergency.

They arrived to Kyung's a couple of minutes later, and that's when his friend finally asked "Everything alright?" He asked as he looked at Jiho, a bit worried, just like always.

"Yeah, he...well. You know. He was probably drunk." He mumbled  when they arrived to his room. Even though Kyung's parents knew about the whole situation, it was something he only felt comfortable talking with Kyung himself.

Kyung smiled sadly and took his hand "You know you have me here for everything, right?"
He had said it a thousand times, but he could not say it, and Jiho didnt get tired of hearing it either.

Jiho squeezed his hand and smiled back "I know" How could he not fall in love with someone like Kyung? So nice, so caring, so loyal. It was inevitable.

"So...maths. What don't you understand?" He asked as they sat down.

Jiho gave him a nervous smile, and Kyung instantly understood.

"Aalright. Let's start with the beginning, then. Don't worry, we can make it for you to pass the test"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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