The ride was about thirty minutes long. They stopped at a huge building and parked there. All the cars were of really high brands and the place looked and smelled clean.
They entered the lobby and proceeded onto the elevator. It was huge, could probably fit twenty people or even more. And it smelled like lavender. It had a mirror, and a small sofa with a table that had magazines. The elevator also played relaxing music as well but there was an option on the button pad that allowed you to change the radio station.
It stopped on the eighth floor and they stepped out. Everywhere he stepped was mesmerising. He felt like Alice In Wonderland cause he had no idea what was coming next.
Simon stopped at a huge door, the biggest one Aaron had seen so far. They entered the room and were welcomed by many people moving in all sorts of directions, some on the phones, others running around with clothes etc.
One person in particular caught Aaron's attention. She sat somewhere in the middle of the room where the sofa and coffee table were and had her legs crossed with a glass in hand and a small brown and white dog in her lap.
Simon made his way to her Aaron did the same. Looking closer, she was gorgeous, she had long pink hair that had strands of darker shades of pink and bangs, her eyes were a soft hazel shade with tan-ish skin.
"Aerial?" Simon said and reached his hand out to her.
"And I'm guess you're Mr. Stork then." She said back, her hand petting the pretty puppy.
"Yes, I am indeed. Simon Stork." Simon nodded.
"You show up late and expect me to give you a handshake? What sort of manners does this company have?" She rolled her eyes, ignoring Simon's hand and looking away.
Simon smiled and brought his hand back. "With all due respect, I am actually just on time. You must've arrived a little earlier so at least you're not the lazy type." Her eyes widened and she scoffed.
She trailed her eyes and they landed on Aaron. He jumped a bit and adverted his gaze down to Casper.
"Is he a model too?" She asked, a scorn of laughter following after. "He looks like Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga had a baby, but they kept him a secret and threw him out for how hideous he turned out." She chuckled even louder.
Aaron took a step back. He knew he should never have tagged along. "Ms Aerial, I'd appreciate it if you don't say such things about someone else before taking a good look at yourself. If this is how you're going to act, I could very well replace you with much prettier and professional models, That wouldn't be too hard to find cause even Casper would be a much better candidate." Simon shot and turned to face Aaron. "Don't worry about her, she's just bored." Simon said sweetly while cupping Aaron's cheeks.
As they worked on the photo shoot, Aaron and Casper stayed behind on the sofa along with Aerial's dog whom she called 'ladybug'. She was very quiet and chill—couldn't say the same for her owner—and seemed to be making good friends with Casper.
Simon had told the ladies to bring snacks for Aaron as he waited so he currently had a large plate with brownies and cake pops and variations of baked desserts. Of course within all that were Simons delicious lemon squares.
"Careful, eat anymore of that sweet crap and you'll be mistaken for a sumo wrestler." He heard Aerial's voice say.
Simon had called for a fifteen minute break. "Move away, there's only one sofa and there's no way in hell I'll be able to fit with your fat-ass." She remarked.
Aaron didn't want to argue with her so he stood up and plopped himself on the floor, carefully placing the lemon square in his hands and sitting there in silence.