188.l o k i-hearme(part II)

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Leaving the God of mischief behind you passed through three columns and found yourself in another hall, which was now reminding a real lab

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Leaving the God of mischief behind you passed through three columns and found yourself in another hall, which was now reminding a real lab. Bruce and Stephen were watching something intently, their backs were blocking your view. Approaching them you stood between two men and looked at the screen.

"What do we have here?" You asked looking at the slightly blinking flashes. Both men immediately looked in your direction.

"Y/n! Good, you're here," Bruce stepped back and approached another computer. "You're in time. This is Stephen, he's a doctor. Former." He pointed at Stephen, introducing him to you. "Stephen, this is Y/n. A scientist in S.H.I.E.L.D." You smiled. "We know each other."

Bruce started typing something on the keyboard, causing a screen to appear right above the computer. "We are here," he pointed at the corner of the screen, random blue dots spread over the screen. He moved his hand a little bit to the left. "And this is where Thanos should be." He looked up at you. "It's too dangerous."

"So you're saying we have to leave Asgard?" You asked almost jokingly than seriously. But Bruce's facial expressions remained serious as he was scrutinizing the screen. "You can't be serious. We can't run." You crossed your arms.

"I think what Bruce is trying to say is that we need to evacuate people, but rest of us will stay and confront Thanos." Stephen, who was standing silent, now interacted.

"Yes. Someone should get the people to a safer place-"

"Safer place? You mean the Earth? The Earth is no longer safe, Bruce." You frowned.

"The war will occur at Wakanda. The Earth is the only safe place." Before you could realise you heard Loki at the end of the lab, he was examining tubes with chemical substances. He looked up at you.

"Weren't you working for Thanos? And how come you're with us now?" You spat. By the grin on his face you could say it was bringing him a joy to titillate you.

"I'm flattered, darling. Such a knowledge about me. I've had my own intentions." He approached and stood in front of you, his eyes never leaving yours.

"Alright, the last thing we want right now is to have another "Tony and Steve"," Bruce groaned as if he remembered something. Not wanting to continue the following discussion you excused yourself to work on investigation.

The following hours that you had spent at the lab passed very quickly. As usual. You were used to spend hours in the lab, since you've devoted yourself entirely to this work. Rubbing your eyes, you yawned and stretched out your arms.

You were getting really sleepy until you heard his voice, again.

"Isn't it strange to have you here, at Asgard?" Loki stood beside you, taking one tube of potassium cyanide from the table.

"Why?" You've controlled yourself, forcing yourself not to roll your eyes, and instead looked at him.

"Such a convenience to have a scientist who will help to save the world." His stupid grin started to annoy you.

"Such a convenience to have a betrayer fighting on our side." You stated and went on mixing the contents of the tubes.

With a firm grip on your arm, he yanked your arm and pulled to himself, forcing you to look at him.

"Careful. I might not be kind next time." You've got a closer view of his face: his piercing eyes, thin lips that were parted. You smiled. At least his grin vanished from his face.

"Careful. If this mixture spills, you won't have enough time to stop the explosion that it will cause." You pointed at the tube in your other hand.

After a few seconds he let your hand. He wanted to leave, but stopped at the gate and turned to you. "I wanted to say that we evacuate people in a few days. And when I say "we" I mean you, me and Stephen." With those words he exited the hall.

After several days you were preparing to leave Asgard, Loki has brought several ships for the carriage of Asgardians. Everything has been planned and ready. You, Loki, Bruce and Stephen have left Asgard, while the other avengers stayed there to get ready for a war.

* * *

Several ships were heading out to the stars, as it seemed at first glance. Those ships in outer space were heading towards the Earth. You and Stephen were helping people, as some of them got sick of being in the cosmos. Nothing foretold troubles, except only one simple thing that no one had noticed. A single ship, that was far from other ones but seemed to follow them, was heading above them.

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