Meeting On The Train

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"Xue Xue come on!" cried my younger sister Xue Hua as she dragged me towards the crowded train station.
"Calm down Xue Hua! We have twenty minuets before we leave." I laugh as I trail behind the excited witch.

My family and I are pure blood but my eldest brother Jin was Squib, non magical. It broke my mothers heart but she still loved him; even if she didn't know how to get him to school. When my older brother Shen was born my father took great pride in him...At least until he was sorted into Slytherin. Being a hardcore Griffindore, my father didn't approve of Shen and did all but disown him. Now I feel the weight of my fathers expectations on my shoulders.

Warmth encompasses me as Shen pulls me in for a hug.
"Don't mind what that old fart says, just be your self. " Shen whispers in my ear before plucking my bags off the ground and into a trolly.

I smile and follow him. Xue Hua hot on my heels.

Being in enclosed spaces with masses of muggles isn't my ideal surroundings. I can feel Ting Ting, my pet Niffler, become excited at all the shiny buttons and golden statues.

"Tut tut Ting Ting, I will put you in your cadge if you don't behave." I warn.

Ting Ting gives a whine but recedes back into my pocket.

Smiling I feel a bony shoulder jab into me, narrowly missing Ting Ting.

"Move" I look up to be greeted by a pale bleach blonde boy, my eyes then drop to where an extremely small pale white haired girl stood, a smirk plastered onto her face.

I can feel the blood rush up to my cheeks as I fumble for words.

"Ha, she can't even speak! How pathetic."  the girl mumbled to the boy in a rather dull voice which rang in my ears.

We make eye contact and I find my resolution.

"I'm sorry, but you should be more respectful and kind. Imagine if you'd hurt me." I squeaked before scuttling through the wall onto platform 9 3/4.

Sighing, I hug Ting Ting to my chest and kiss my mum goodbye.

Striding down the narrow hall, I cannot for the life of me find Shen, so I settle in an empty carriage and pull out my book.

Many people walk past the carriage but no matter how crowded they wouldn't come in. Some gave me looks of pity and others smirked and turned away giggling.

Whatever it is they can shove it up their-

My thoughts were interrupted by a shrill laugh that made my head hurt.

"Pathetic little girl, this is my carriage" The girl from earlier half screamed half laughed. She smirked but became utterly dumbfounded when I didn't move.

"Leave, this is my carriage." I raise an eyebrow and turn back to my book.

"Excuse me? Are you ignoring me?" I sigh and shake my head. Could she really not believe that I'm going to move Because she said so.

"Either find somewhere else to sit or shut up." We make eye contact, I can see the confusion in her eyes as she sat opposite me.

"There was that so hard?" I laugh and stroke Ting Ting.

"Ewww, what in Merlins name is that?" She points at the fluff ball in my hands . Ting Ting whines and I shoot a glare at her.

"This is Ting Ting, my pet Niffler." I stroke her neck.

"She isn't very good looking." she states.

I gasp and glare at the girl.

"Apologise! Now!" I shout. Brown hair bouncing all over.

"Why it's just an animal!" She reasons.

"So are you but does that give me the right to discount your feelings?" I argue, tears streaming down my face.

When I was younger, the muggles down the street would pick on me. They said that I was just an animal and that I didn't have feelings. They would hit me and break my toys, steal my sweets and say hurtful things just to make me cry. This vampire looking girl reminded me of them, of their mentality. The emotions; sadness, anger, loneliness all hit me full force until I was sobbing and clutching Ting Ting to my chest.

"Whoa! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry," She panicked and brings me close to her and hugs me until my sobs quieten into hiccups.

"Sorry, I'm sorry you had to see that, I'll leave now." I murmur before grabbing my book.

"No, don't leave." She gripped my arm and pulled me back down to the seat.

"Emm... I am Nashi, Nashi Malfoy and you?" Nashi raises her hand to shake.

Smiling I take her hand and wipe my eyes on my red scarf (My dad was adamant about me being in Griffindore) "Xuéléi Riomar."

During our time in the Hogwarts Express Nashi and I talked about family pressure and how she too was under her fathers pressure to become Slytherin.

We talked about which Quidditch teams were best (  Obviously Wimbourne Wasps) and the latest criminals that were found and put into Azkaban.

"Hey Nashi, you might want to change into your robes now." The pale boy was back, he freezes as he sees me and Nashi talking.

"What in Merlins Name..." he fails to find an explanation.

"Draco this is my new f-friend Xuéléi Riomar. Be nice to her." Nashi commanded. "He's my twin brother" she whispered.

With a giggle I raised my hand and gave a polite hello before getting up and changing into my uniform.

I can't wait for this year.

Love X and N

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