Chapter T w o.

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  • Dedicated to Ajaratu.

Once class hand ended, Harry swung his bag over his shoulder and stood up. He inhaled a sharp breath of air as he glanced around until his eyes landed on his boyfriend. To be honest, he didn't want to spend much time with Zayn today. He was trying to avoid him. Not because all feelings he had were completely gone, because he still had a lot of feelings for Zayn, but because he thought that if he stayed away from him for a while, he'd gain back the feelings he once had for him. But unfortunately he couldn't avoid Zayn, not today anyway. He had gotten a spin to school from his mother today because his car was in the auto body shop, but his mother was working now, and his father didn't drive so he needed Zayn to drive him home.  

Zayn usually invited himself in to Harry's house and stayed for an hour or two, but lately he noticed that Harry hadn't been in to it as much as he used to, so Zayn simply dropped him off and went home. Harry was a little hurt by this, but he was too tired to think too much of it. Harry gave Zayn a quick peck on the lips before he shut the car door and walked up the house steps. His father had left the door open, so he didn't bother to even knock.   

The aroma of freshly cooked pasta and pie over powered the usual smell on Fragrance spray and Harry felt his stomach turn. It wasn't because of the smell of the food though, because Harry's favourite food had always been pasta and pie and he wouldn't refuse it no matter how broken or upset he was, but it was because he knew his father was home today.  

Harry had hoped that he had gone to do something with his mates like he usually did so he wouldn't have to face his wrath and answer the many questions he was sure to have as to why Zayn hadn't come in today. Problem was, Harry wasn't even sure why. Usually Zayn would come in and even though Harry didn't enjoy it as much as he used to, he enjoyed having his company. It stopped him from cutting for at least an hour or two. But without Zayn being here today, Harry knew he would be holding the blade in his hand in approximately thirty minutes.   

Harry walked into the kitchen where his father was placing pasta and a slice of pie on both their plates. He heard Harry coming in and looked up. Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. This time, his father was averting his eyes behind him.  

"Where's Zayn?" his father asked, handing him a plate and sitting down himself. Harry sat across from him and shrugged.  

"Dunno," he said. "He said he didn't want to come in today and then just drove off." Harry felt a pang in his heart as he spoke but shook it off as he took a bite of a piece of pasta.  

"Did you do something to upset him?" he glared menacingly at Harry, his eyes turning cold and dark. When Harry came out to his family, his mother was completely supportive, insisting that she always suspected he was gay and would always love him no matter who he was. His father, on the other hand, absolutely hated the thought of having a gay son. Then he began to date Zayn. Harry's father loved Zayn a lot and it was probably the main reason why he's now semi okay with Harry's being gay. Harry knew that if he ever messed up with Zayn, his own father would hate him.  

"No!" Harry exclaimed quickly, watching as his father's expression changed from one of anger to one of relief. Harry sighed in relief and took another bite of his pasta, although he really didn't have an appetite anymore.   

His father nodded in approval. "Alright. Don't mess shit up with him Harry, okay? I like that boy a lot," he warned.  

Harry nodded and shoved his plate of food away from him, the smell of it suddenly making him feel nauseous. "Okay dad," he smiled weakly. "Uh, I'm not hungry anymore and I have a lot of homework to do, I'll be upstairs if you need me." he lied. They hadn't got any homework today, but Harry knew that his father wouldn't know that. He didn't wait for his father to reply before he grabbed his book bag and quickly scurried up the stairs.  

He walked into his room and shut the door behind him then pulled the key from his pocket and locked it so his father would have to knock if he needed anything. He threw his book bag on the bed, then got his laptop and sat down at his desk. He waited for it to load as he ran his fingers along the soft and smooth wood then quickly typed in his password. He waited as the tab loaded then searched Facebook and logged in.   

He skimmed through his news feed, nothing interesting catching his eye at all. It was the usual 'like for a like' bullshit or 'I love you <3' bullshit from girls who had been in a relationship with their boyfriend for a minimum of three weeks and already thought they were in love. He continued to scroll through his news feed when a friend request popped up. He scrolled to the top of the page again and clicked on. Harry felt an unusual pang in his stomach when he saw that the request was from 'Niall Horan'. He remembered the boy from his Chemistry class telling him his name was Niall and quickly clicked 'accept' then logged out again before anyone could start a chat with him.  

He shut down his laptop then walked to the bathroom and pulled out a razor from underneath the sink where he had always hid it. He ran his fingers across the sharp blade then sat on edge of the bath. He rolled up his sleeve and took a deep breath before he pressed the blade to his skin. He left it there for a moment before he pushed the blade in deeper and slid it across his arm. He gasped in pain as the skin sliced open and the blood oozed out. He felt tears sting at his eyes but he refused to let himself cry as he repeated the action three more times.  

The pain was overwhelming, but the feeling of relief was over powering and he couldn't bring himself to stop as he repeated the action once more. His arm was covered in blood and he felt his head spin as he stood up and washed his cuts. His vision was blurry, but Harry was used to this so he didn't panic because he knew the feeling would pass over in a few minutes. Harry continued to wash his cuts then stopped the water and pulled four bandages from his cupboard. He placed them carefully on his arm, wincing when the fabric met his freshly cut flesh then put the razor underneath the sink once more.  

He was pulled out of his thoughts when his phone began to ring from his bedroom and he quickly rushed out, picking it up and answering it without bothering to check the caller ID. "Hello?" he asked wearily, still feeling a little weak from the loss of blood.  

"Harry?" he immediately recognised the voice as his chemistry teacher's and scrunched his eyebrows in confusion as to why she was calling him during after school hours.  

"Ms. Peters? Why are you calling?" he asked.  

Ms. Peters cleared her throat once then began to speak. "Well, I hadn't planned on doing a class project this year, but the Principal called me in after school and told me that I needed to or I would be fired so I'm calling every student personally before school starts tomorrow and telling their partner and their project. You're first on my list so I called you first." she explained.  

Harry felt himself about to be sick at the thought of having to work with another person on a project for the rest of the school year, but fought against saying anything so there would be no trouble. "Oh.. So um, who's my partner?" he asked.  

Ms. Peters paused as if she was hesitant to tell him. "The new boy, Niall Horan."  

Harry almost choked on his own spit. Not because he didn't like Niall, but because he was probably the most beautiful boy he had ever laid eyes on and he feared that if he got too close, he would fall. Harry knew he was one of those people who fell fst and Niall seemed like the person who could make you fall for them in a split second. "Your project will be hand warmers. You have until the end of the year to finish, which gives you approximately seven months. This project will count for 50% of your grade so I trust that you will take this project seriously because I have no problem with keeping you back another year." she added.  

Harry sighed, the pain of his wrist becoming too much to even bare. "Sure. See you tomorrow Peters, bye." He didn't wait for her to reply before he hung up the phone and threw it on his bed. He leaned his head against the wall and sighed.   

If anything, Harry had hoped that he would have been partnered with Zayn. Things would have been so much easier. But then again, nothing in life was easy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2012 ⏰

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