Friar Lawrence

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"Hi Ryan."

I pause at my name being called. It's her... my Julia.

I turn around and find her walking towards me with a smile on her face.

"Hello Julia." I smile too.

It's been five days since I almost kissed her, and this is the first time I'm meeting her. She's been hanging around with Simon, Josh and Ian. I've made sure to keep my distance.

"How are you?" I ask. The temperature around me increases by a fraction, and the buzz of the crowd becomes distant.

"Awesome." She says and jumps like a child at it. She... doesn't hate me. "But where have you been?"

"Working." I tell her, raising the camera in my hand. "I submitted my pictures yesterday."

"Congratulations." She says smiling And then "You free?"

"Um..." I think I'll be always free for you Julia. "... yeah."

"Yay!" She jumps at her spot and starts towards the cafeteria.

I follow her through the crowd, randomly bumping into people because I can't focus anything but Julia.

"What have you been up to?" I ask as we step onto the foot path.

"Nothing much." She shrugs. "I've been trying to paint but It's not happening."

"What?" I ask her.

"The unsatisfactory felling you once mentioned." She looks up at me. "There's something missing."

I nod, pulling her to a side so that she doesn't bumps into the guy who's passing by.

"Anyways," she shakes her head. "Do you know if Simon is dating that girl or not?"

The blond girl? "No I don't." I tell her. "Why?"

"Oh, I don't know." She says. "He's been... occupied." She makes air quotes with her fingers with a smirk.

"How?" I ask.

"Too many 'project problems'" she makes air-quotes with her fingers again. "Always busy solving them."

I laugh.

"He's finally working on it, Julia." I tell her. "Let the boy be."

"Oh, I'm letting him be." She says shooing an I imaginary fly away. 

We reach the cafeteria, and I step up and open the door for her.

"Good, then." I say, entering behind her.

We take food trays and find an empty table in a corner. I reach first and, placing my try at the table, pull her a chair.

"I'm so hungry" she says, as she sits down.

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