Chapter 1

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This has been my baby for two months... They grow up so fast :')

Anyway, enjoy!

A lone figure trudged along a gravel path towards a dark mansion, seemingly unaffected by the howling gale and torrential rain. Skeletal, windswept trees thrashed around, seeming as if they were trying to free themselves of the earthen chains. The sword at her waist had a crimson liquid sliding off the blade, leaving drops on the ground that was quickly washed away. A strand of chestnut hair escaped out from under a dark red hood, but was quickly swept back underneath by a bloody hand. Her cloak billowed around in the wind, and her hazel eyes were drawn up to the large wooden doors. The entrance swung open at her approach, and as soon as she was inside slipped shut, shutting out the foul weather. Footprints composed of a mixture of water and blood trailed behind her as she strode up to an oak throne, and she flicked her hood down, shaking her damp shoulder-length hair out. A man in a cyan t-shirt and dark blue jeans sat on the seat, absent-mindedly thrumming his fingers on the armrest whilst a bored expression played on his face. He straightened his posture as she bowed down on one knee before him, his white eyes literally glowing with pleasure.

"Ciara, you return. Is the deed done?" He purred, and she stood up, emotionless.

"Yes master, it was done as you wished. I left no trace except a bloody handprint, and they are unaware of who did it. They will almost certainly accuse a innocent person, which will cause chaos. It went smoothly, as always." She responded, cleaning her weapon on her cloak.

"I've told you to call me Herobrine! You are an honoured guest, after all. You've successfully completed so many assassinations without being detected. Please, join me for dinner." He clapped his hands and many endermen appeared, placing down a table and many platters of food.

A chair was placed behind Ciara, and as she settled herself down it was tucked in. They ate in silence, occasionally taking sips from a silver goblet of wine, but all the while she could sense that he wanted to ask something of her again. As soon as they finished it was all cleared away, and Herobrine cleared his throat and stared evenly at the girl.

"I have a new assignment for you. The target lives in the town of Tekkitopia, a place far from here. His name is Ridgedog, and he will be your most difficult target by far. He is a demigod, and has many strengths in both magic and science." He explained, and she stood up, the chair scraping back along the floor.

"Very well. I shall leave immediately." She stated blandly, but stopped when he got to his feet too, which was a rare occurrence.

"You will need this. It's a red matter katar, and it's the only weapon that will do enough damage to immobilize him so you can deal the killing blow." He passed her the unusual weapon, watching as she weighed it in her hands and stroked a finger along the blade.

"It is a good weapon. May I take my leave?" She asked, attaching the katar to her belt so it rested against her hip, constantly reminding her of its powerful presence.

"You may. But always be alert, this town is more closely knit than any of the others." He said, dropping back into his previous position as she nodded and followed her drying footprints.

The storm had relaxed a little outside, but it was still formidable. At the other end of the path she hoisted herself up onto the back of her horse, digging in her heels to make it reluctantly head off in a speedy trot. Her hair was sopping wet and stuck to her face, but she ignored it, resisting the pull of sleep too, promising that she would rest when she arrived. She was soon soaked through, her black tank-top and matching short-skirt sticking to her skin. Simple trousers made too much noise when trying to be stealthy, so she had stuck with the skirt as she could be athletic at the same time as appearing feminine. Ciara urged the steed into a gallop, slippery mud being kicked up in their wake, and soon she could see lights in the distance. Her heart fluttered in relief, though she told herself it meant nothing, as she didn't believe she could feel anything after ruthlessly murdering many people, purely because she could. Violent shivers racked her body, but she still persisted until a building loomed into view, made of marble with lines of stone bricks and a giant face of a dwarf lit up on the front. She slowed down to a canter, deducing that it was a factory of some sort, and unable to help herself from staring at the odd assortment of smaller buildings scattered about the courtyard. There appeared to be a giant egg with minecarts emerging from, burdened with chests, before zipping up along tracks into the factory. All of a sudden the horse gave a terrified whinny and bucked her off, making her land awkwardly on her arm as it sprinted off. She gritted her teeth, knowing it was broken, before shakily standing up and heading towards a shack that would offer shelter. The sudden quiet made her breathe a sigh, and to her surprise and concealed delight, there were three beds in a line, the middle a double. Signs labelled who they belonged to; Xephos, Honeydew, and LividCoffee. The last name was odd, but she shrugged it off and took Xephos' bed, somehow feeling that he would be the most welcoming if she was discovered. She lay down on her back, still wet, freezing and in pain, but despite all that sleep still tugged invitingly at her, so she gave in and closed her eyes.

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